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101Back to top Go down   Snowy Mountains 2017 - Page 3 Empty Re: Snowy Mountains 2017 Mon Mar 20, 2017 11:45 am


Life time member
Life time member
I have to say , as much as I enjoyed my brief but enjoyable ride down the Putty Rd to Grey Gum Cafe , The weekend was best had by the Krew riding south to Jindabyne . Well done everyone . Good to see all went well , considering the forecasts in the various regions . Cheers .


102Back to top Go down   Snowy Mountains 2017 - Page 3 Empty Re: Snowy Mountains 2017 Mon Mar 20, 2017 2:13 pm


Life time member
Life time member
Just downloaded the weekend track from my GPS and have created a Google Map for anyone who would like to follow our adventures to the Snowy Mountains for 2017. My round trip was 1,885 kilometres.

I've marked our various stopping places. When you click on the link be patient and it should open in Google Maps if you have them available on your computer. You can then zoom in & out etc. to look at the detail.

Gaz round trip Snowy Ride 2017.

Cheers, enjoy.

1990 K75 6427509; 1987 R80G/S PD 6292136; 2010 G650GS ZW13381; 95 K1100LT 0232224

103Back to top Go down   Snowy Mountains 2017 - Page 3 Empty Re: Snowy Mountains 2017 Mon Mar 20, 2017 9:58 pm

Born Again Eccentric

Born Again Eccentric
Life time member
Life time member
Wow - that's certainly true dedication! 3040km, 2600km, 1885km..1800km!! Fantastic effort by all and really glad that the weather mostly turn out kind for you. 

Good to see the map Gaz - really puts it in perspective and shows some lovely twist turns. Another couple of hundred yards and you'd have been over the border into Victoria (do they have a Trumpesque fence to keep the NSWalers out?). Even more impressive when you think that RickG started on the otherside of the border in Queensland!

Nice job.

Snowy Mountains 2017 - Page 3 Uk-log10 Snowy Mountains 2017 - Page 3 Sco-lo15
                              Paul  Snowy Mountains 2017 - Page 3 905546712

"Heidi" K100LT 1991 (Grey) (VIN 0190172 Engine No. 104EB 2590 2213) - 5th owner. January 2014 (34,000 - 82,818 miles and counting....)
"Gretel" K100LT 1989 (Silver Grey) (VIN 0177324 Engine No. 104EA 2789 2211) - 4th+ owner. September 2015 (82,684 miles and counting....). Cat C Insurance write-off rebuild Feb 17
"Donor" K100LT 1990 (Red)  (VIN 0178091 Engine gone to Dai) - 6th & final owner (crash write-off now donor bike).   June 2012 (73,000 miles) to November 2013 (89,500 miles)

104Back to top Go down   Snowy Mountains 2017 - Page 3 Empty Re: Snowy Mountains 2017 Mon Mar 20, 2017 10:38 pm


Life time member
Life time member
We do have fences rather than walls between some states, such as the Rabbit Proof Fence and others. These were built to keep vermin out, but RickG is not included. Rabbits, dingos are the main targets and we have a water fence to keep Tasmania apart from the rest of us.
Weirder than a fence we have border searches to check for fruit...a real no no to carry it between some states.

1983 K100 basic vin 0003960 colour red  GONE
1987 K100RT vin 0094685 colour, orange peel, sorry, pearl..GONE
F800R black

105Back to top Go down   Snowy Mountains 2017 - Page 3 Empty Re: Snowy Mountains 2017 Mon Mar 20, 2017 11:04 pm


Life time member
Life time member
Born Again Eccentric wrote:Wow - that's certainly true dedication! 3040km, 2600km, 1885km..1800km!! Fantastic effort by all and really glad that the weather mostly turn out kind for you. 

Good to see the map Gaz - really puts it in perspective and shows some lovely twist turns. Another couple of hundred yards and you'd have been over the border into Victoria (do they have a Trumpesque fence to keep the NSWalers out?). Even more impressive when you think that RickG started on the otherside of the border in Queensland!

Nice job.
NSWalers don't need a fence as we have the formidable defence of the Murray River, with carefully regulated crossing points.  Snowy Mountains 2017 - Page 3 167893 Snowy Mountains 2017 - Page 3 314318

A bonus is that the actual border is the South bank of the river, giving NSW gunboats full freedom of navigation in their defensive task. The fact that those South of the border are so sneaky means that many of the gunboats disguise themselves as ski boats with crew disguised as skiers.
Some Victorians attempt penetration by disguising themselves as skiers as well, but are usually prevented from accessing the North bank.  Laughing


1985 K100RT  VIN 0028991  My original Very Happy ROB the Red Old Bike   (Historic rego)
1985 K100RT  VIN 0029036  BOB the Blue Old Bike  (Historic rego)
1990 K100LT  VIN 0190452  Work in progress
1984 K100RT  VIN 0023022  Work needing lots of progress

1986 K100RT  VIN 0090542  Work needing lots and lots of progress
1993 K1100LT  VIN 0183046  Work in progress
1993 K75S  VIN 0213045  Tom the Triple (now on Historic rego too.)

106Back to top Go down   Snowy Mountains 2017 - Page 3 Empty Re: Snowy Mountains 2017 Mon Mar 20, 2017 11:13 pm

Warren C

Warren C
Silver member
Silver member
It was a top extended week end and great to catch up with everyone - thanks again Bill for organising.


107Back to top Go down   Snowy Mountains 2017 - Page 3 Empty Re: Snowy Mountains 2017 Mon Mar 20, 2017 11:37 pm

Born Again Eccentric

Born Again Eccentric
Life time member
Life time member
ainsjac wrote:We do have fences rather than walls between some states, such as the Rabbit Proof Fence and others. These were built to keep vermin out, but RickG is not included. 
Snowy Mountains 2017 - Page 3 44271 Snowy Mountains 2017 - Page 3 44271 
For the rest of the vermin, you have visas!
ainsjac wrote:Weirder than a fence we have border searches to check for fruit...a real no no to carry it between some states.
Talking of weird, on my recent sortie into Texas and New Mexico, when taking a trip out to the White Sands Visitor centre for a look see, we had to go through a US Border post check point nearly 95 miles from the border with Mexico. That's like entering the UK through Portsmouth and having another border check point in Bristol or Oxford! Luckily we had our passports handy or it could have been orange jumpsuits and a one way ticket to Gitmo for us!

indian036 wrote:NSWalers don't need a fence as we have the formidable defence of the Murray River, with carefully regulated crossing points.  Snowy Mountains 2017 - Page 3 167893 Snowy Mountains 2017 - Page 3 314318 

A bonus is that the actual border is the South bank of the river, giving NSW gunboats full freedom of navigation in their defensive task. The fact that those South of the border are so sneaky means that many of the gunboats disguise themselves as ski boats with crew disguised as skiers.
Some Victorians attempt penetration by disguising themselves as skiers as well, but are usually prevented from accessing the North bank.  Snowy Mountains 2017 - Page 3 Icon_lol 

Snowy Mountains 2017 - Page 3 44271 Snowy Mountains 2017 - Page 3 44271 Snowy Mountains 2017 - Page 3 44271
I know that maps (and GPSs can be deceptive) and what looks like a road from the comfort of you armchair, can often turn out to be a derelict goat track, but it looks like the NSW river patrols messed up and allowed the waterskiing Victorians to gain a foot hold north of the mighty Murray...either that or the river has silted up on the north bank. Some serious spade work required to set the border back to where it is supposed to be. Maybe it's just Googlemaps artistic licence?

Snowy Mountains 2017 - Page 3 Border10

Snowy Mountains 2017 - Page 3 Uk-log10 Snowy Mountains 2017 - Page 3 Sco-lo15
                              Paul  Snowy Mountains 2017 - Page 3 905546712

"Heidi" K100LT 1991 (Grey) (VIN 0190172 Engine No. 104EB 2590 2213) - 5th owner. January 2014 (34,000 - 82,818 miles and counting....)
"Gretel" K100LT 1989 (Silver Grey) (VIN 0177324 Engine No. 104EA 2789 2211) - 4th+ owner. September 2015 (82,684 miles and counting....). Cat C Insurance write-off rebuild Feb 17
"Donor" K100LT 1990 (Red)  (VIN 0178091 Engine gone to Dai) - 6th & final owner (crash write-off now donor bike).   June 2012 (73,000 miles) to November 2013 (89,500 miles)

108Back to top Go down   Snowy Mountains 2017 - Page 3 Empty Snowy Mountains Tue Mar 21, 2017 3:42 am


Silver member
Silver member
Anyone lose a summit mattress in a red cover on the weekend?


109Back to top Go down   Snowy Mountains 2017 - Page 3 Empty Re: Snowy Mountains 2017 Tue Mar 21, 2017 4:03 am

Rick G

Rick G
Thanks for posting that up Andrew but none of us were on that road this weekend. I get down there for the Alpine rally and usually have to get my dentures refitted after it. Very Happy

"Man sacrifices his health in order to make money.
Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health.
And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived."   Dalai Lama

Bikes 1999 K1100 LT with a Big Block 1200

110Back to top Go down   Snowy Mountains 2017 - Page 3 Empty Re: Snowy Mountains 2017 Tue Mar 21, 2017 5:38 am


Silver member
Silver member
Gaz wrote:Just downloaded the weekend track from my GPS and have created a Google Map for anyone who would like to follow our adventures to the Snowy Mountains for 2017. My round trip was 1,885 kilometres.

I've marked our various stopping places. When you click on the link be patient and it should open in Google Maps if you have them available on your computer. You can then zoom in & out etc. to look at the detail.

Gaz round trip Snowy Ride 2017.

Cheers, enjoy.

Hi Gaz,

Thanks for the map.  I looked up my map from 2015 to see what the differences were, as I thought I remembered riding some different roads.  In 2015 I rode in the opposite direction, and went the long way around bypassing Jagumba and Cabramurra, instead going via Tooma and stopping for lunch at Tumbarumba.  A bit further and some new twists and turns.  Maybe food for thought for next year!


The nods route

Last edited by nods on Tue Mar 21, 2017 5:42 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Technical difficulties)

Chassis number0025951
Vehicle code0504
ModelK 100 RT 84 (0504 ( 0505 )
Body typeK 100 RT 84 (0504
Catalog modelECE
Production date1985 / 01

111Back to top Go down   Snowy Mountains 2017 - Page 3 Empty Re: Snowy Mountains 2017 Tue Mar 21, 2017 7:17 am

Rick G

Rick G
Our Rabbit proof fence is a very good thing to have. It has successfully stopped the rabbits on the southern side of the fence breeding with the rabbits on the northern side. Snowy Mountains 2017 - Page 3 8157

"Man sacrifices his health in order to make money.
Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health.
And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived."   Dalai Lama

Bikes 1999 K1100 LT with a Big Block 1200

112Back to top Go down   Snowy Mountains 2017 - Page 3 Empty Re: Snowy Mountains 2017 Tue Mar 21, 2017 12:29 pm


Life time member
Life time member
Born Again Eccentric wrote:  
I know that maps (and GPSs can be deceptive) and what looks like a road from the comfort of you armchair, can often turn out to be a derelict goat track, but it looks like the NSW river patrols messed up and allowed the waterskiing Victorians to gain a foot hold north of the mighty Murray...either that or the river has silted up on the north bank. Some serious spade work required to set the border back to where it is supposed to be. Maybe it's just Googlemaps artistic licence?

Snowy Mountains 2017 - Page 3 Border10
At that end of the border, in the vicinity of the headwaters of the Murray, there has probably been some changes in the river channel, with different anabranches dominating over time. The border was set by survey over a hundred years ago. 
The river in that area is too shallow and narrow to be safely skiable, so our normal border defences don't work. 
Please don't tell the Victorians, though. We hope to be able to continue bluffing them. Snowy Mountains 2017 - Page 3 214585


1985 K100RT  VIN 0028991  My original Very Happy ROB the Red Old Bike   (Historic rego)
1985 K100RT  VIN 0029036  BOB the Blue Old Bike  (Historic rego)
1990 K100LT  VIN 0190452  Work in progress
1984 K100RT  VIN 0023022  Work needing lots of progress

1986 K100RT  VIN 0090542  Work needing lots and lots of progress
1993 K1100LT  VIN 0183046  Work in progress
1993 K75S  VIN 0213045  Tom the Triple (now on Historic rego too.)

113Back to top Go down   Snowy Mountains 2017 - Page 3 Empty Re: Snowy Mountains 2017 Tue Mar 21, 2017 12:41 pm


Life time member
Life time member
nods wrote:Hi Gaz,

Thanks for the map.  I looked up my map from 2015 to see what the differences were, as I thought I remembered riding some different roads.  In 2015 I rode in the opposite direction, and went the long way around bypassing Jagumba and Cabramurra, instead going via Tooma and stopping for lunch at Tumbarumba.  A bit further and some new twists and turns.  Maybe food for thought for next year!


The nods route
Re next year:

In 2016 we rode the same route as this year, but in the direction you rode in 2015.

Assuming people want to do another ride in that area next year, I'm open to suggestions. A couple of people raised the possibility of a run down to the coast next time. 
A bit early to make firm decisions, but at this stage I'd be happy to coordinate again. 

I've suggested to my son that we may be able to have some free camping at what we hope will be his newly completed house on what I cheekily call The Estate, out of Cooma. He countered that there may be a fee!
Gaz, you might have to con him into thinking you're still his boss and disabuse him of that notion. 

Whichever way, whatever the Krew decides will be fine by me.

Assuming it's on, foreign visitors will be most  Snowy Mountains 2017 - Page 3 177912.


1985 K100RT  VIN 0028991  My original Very Happy ROB the Red Old Bike   (Historic rego)
1985 K100RT  VIN 0029036  BOB the Blue Old Bike  (Historic rego)
1990 K100LT  VIN 0190452  Work in progress
1984 K100RT  VIN 0023022  Work needing lots of progress

1986 K100RT  VIN 0090542  Work needing lots and lots of progress
1993 K1100LT  VIN 0183046  Work in progress
1993 K75S  VIN 0213045  Tom the Triple (now on Historic rego too.)

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