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1Back to top Go down   Side Stand Question/Help Needed  Empty Side Stand Question/Help Needed Mon Jun 04, 2018 6:08 am


Silver member
Silver member
Guys, I've removed the centre stand permanently, just looking at putting the side stand back on after a custom build but it retracts back and hits the rear wheel, what should it stop up against? I presume it was the original exhaust (which I am not using)?

So, what are my options, I'm guessing this has been done a fair few times before so hoping someone will know or be able to give me a little advice....

Thank you!!




Life time member
Life time member
The OEM exhaust has a rubber block that the stand rests against when retracted.
Regards Martin.

1992 K75s


Silver member
Silver member
Cheers Martin.....thinking I may weld something up by the side stand bushing.....hmmmm!



Life time member
Life time member
Now would be a good time to posts some photos of your project or maybe post them in a thread dedicated to your project in the renovation/customization section.

1995 K75 90,000 miles

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