BMW K bikes (Bricks)

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1Back to top Go down   Engine oil clarification  Empty Engine oil clarification Wed Jun 05, 2019 3:14 pm


Silver member
Silver member
ok so I have a question that has obvious answers but really the combined experience of yinz will make it a bit clearer 

What do you think is the best oil level to have and do you notice a performance difference with that level? Mine is at the top of the sight glass (not overfilled) but in my experience it’s better to have it in the middle,I think it helps with engine vibration...(on my other bikes)

So I hav a leaking engine output shaft and I was reading that some people feel if you keep the oil at about the middle of the sight glass it leaks less?
I was thinking of draining some oil so it’s right in the middle of the sight glass, and as far as the leak in concerned, I always carry a quart of oil “just in case” original thinking about keeping the oil at max was so that I always know my oil level isn’t getting low(for a while) becuase of the’s a small leak and it’s been 3 weeks since I changed oil and the level haven’t moved....
Do you think keeping the oil right about in the middle of the glass makes her run better then “completely full”? 
Thanks !


2Back to top Go down   Engine oil clarification  Empty Re: Engine oil clarification Wed Jun 05, 2019 3:28 pm


Life time member
Life time member
Heresy23 wrote:Do you think keeping the oil right about in the middle of the glass makes her run better then “completely full”? 
No. "Completely full" is also an unnecessary condition. Keeping the oil level somewhere within the range marked on the glass is enough. If you ride wheelies for miles, you might want to top it up.  Laughing

1995 K75 90,000 miles

3Back to top Go down   Engine oil clarification  Empty Re: Engine oil clarification Wed Jun 05, 2019 4:13 pm


Silver member
Silver member
Ha ha this  is my “I grew up” bike....I’d love to wheelie the brick but I like having a bike that has a 2nd
So, yeah I was gonna drain a bit of oil out today if it ever stops raining!
Laitch wrote:
Heresy23 wrote:Do you think keeping the oil right about in the middle of the glass makes her run better then “completely full”? 
No. "Completely full" is also an unnecessary condition. Keeping the oil level somewhere within the range marked on the glass is enough. If you ride wheelies for miles, you might want to top it up.  Laughing


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