1 transmission query Wed Jul 17, 2019 6:37 am
New member
Does the 85 K75 transmission have all the gears rotating on the mainshaft or are all 5 gears fixed... My curiosity is whether or not you could install a taller 5th gear without touching any of the other gears or the final drive. BMW seems to like having the top two gear ratios ridiculously close to each other for some reason. I've always wanted very tall top gears on all my vehicles (2-wheel, 4-wheel, etc.) As an example, I have a Honda XR650L DP bike that I'm gonna change the 5th gear from an 0.84 to an 0.80 ratio. Is there anyone in the world who knows of something similar for this K75? The 5th gear on the K75 is 1.66, while the 4th gear is 1.88. If I could obtain a 5th gear that was more like 1.5, or even 1.4 I'd be a very contented rider.Thanks, Frank