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1Back to top Go down   Dyna Beads Empty Dyna Beads Sat Sep 25, 2010 11:00 am


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Life time member
Hi all,
Did a search and nothing came up. Do any of you have experience with using the Dyna Beads to balance your tires?
Thanks for your input in advance!


2Back to top Go down   Dyna Beads Empty Re: Dyna Beads Sat Sep 25, 2010 11:53 am


Life time member
Life time member
In the past I have seen some on various forums recommending Dynabeads and other contributors roundly condemning the product.

The only thing I have ever put in a tyre other than air was some anti-puncture liquid I bought at a M/C show 30 years ago which was a mix of long asbestos fibres and antifreeze which actually stopped leaks from nail punctures. Having seen a demo of driving a bike along a board with a group of nails sticking out which went a good 2 inches into the tyre I could see it worked well enough to stop sudden deflation.

The side benefit was it did actually as advertised balance up the wheel as I could see because on my Goldwing a slight imbalance caused the forks to flutter back and forth at speed which one could see by standing up and sighting down the fork tubes sort of like along a rifle barrel. After putting in the puncture sealant no movement at all. Due to the asbestos such a product would be considered too dangerous to use nowadays. Not an answer to your question I know but I retell it for interests sake. I threw the last two bottles I had into the hazardous waste collection only two years ago.


3Back to top Go down   Dyna Beads Empty Re: Dyna Beads Sat Sep 25, 2010 1:00 pm


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Life time member
Interesting story K and it actually goes along with what the theory is for how the beads work. Turns out I've got a dealer here in town and its eighteen dollars for a kit to do the front and back. Looks like I'm going to give it a go and I will run the p*** out of them and report back in the product review section.



4Back to top Go down   Dyna Beads Empty Re: Dyna Beads Sat Sep 25, 2010 8:24 pm


Life time member
Life time member
the theory is sound... centrifugal force will distribute the beads so that the balance is established (state of lowest possible energy). I think that the washing machine people have used this for years... a ring filled with liquid is used to balance the load on spin dry cycle in small direct drive machines. Works well.

My only reservation is potential crush-and-grind due to beads running around finding their respective positions before the wheel gets up to speed. Sliding past each other they MAY, in time, produce DUST which, can possibly, stuff up the tyre valve, ie make it leak. If you can be assured that this is not a problem, then I would be tempted.

I reserve the right to voice my opinions on any subject known to man

05/1986 (K55) K100RS Motorsport (Europe), Production Code: 0503, 110k km, VIN:0140519 (SOLD)
1976 Honda Goldwing GL1000 (naked)
1997 BMW K1200RS red, VIN: WB10544A1VZA22667

5Back to top Go down   Dyna Beads Empty Re: Dyna Beads Sun Sep 26, 2010 4:18 am

Crazy Frog

Crazy Frog
The Dynabeads are made of ceramic and should be abrasion resistant.
Your analogy with the washing machine is interesting. I didn't know about this ring filed with water. Now I have to put my washer apart to check it. Laughing

Dyna Beads Frog15Dyna Beads Logo2101986 k75, 1985 K100rt, 1985 K100rt/EML GT2 sidecar, 1999 K1200lt/Hannigan Astro Sport sidecar.

6Back to top Go down   Dyna Beads Empty Re: Dyna Beads Sun Sep 26, 2010 4:37 am


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Life time member
Crazy Frog wrote:....
Your analogy with the washing machine is interesting. I didn't know about this ring filed with water. Now I have to put my washer apart to check it. Laughing
I haven't looked for some time, but if you see a machine (smaller unit) with a very floppy tub, the ring at the top of the tub was filled with liquid, water probably. If you grab it and give it a shake you can hear water slosh around.

I reserve the right to voice my opinions on any subject known to man

05/1986 (K55) K100RS Motorsport (Europe), Production Code: 0503, 110k km, VIN:0140519 (SOLD)
1976 Honda Goldwing GL1000 (naked)
1997 BMW K1200RS red, VIN: WB10544A1VZA22667

7Back to top Go down   Dyna Beads Empty Re: Dyna Beads Sun Sep 26, 2010 8:06 am


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Life time member
Crazy Frog wrote:The Dynabeads are made of ceramic and should be abrasion resistant.
Your analogy with the washing machine is interesting. I didn't know about this ring filed with water. Now I have to put my washer apart to check it. Laughing
Lol! Bert you should have been a doctor! Always taking stuff apart to see how it functions. :-)



8Back to top Go down   Dyna Beads Empty Re: Dyna Beads Sun Sep 26, 2010 8:10 am


Life time member
Life time member
Chatted with an engineering buddy and he said the same thing about the theory being sound. Anyway, went ahead and purchased a kit yesterday at a local shop and I will report back when I get the old girl out on the open road again. Hopefully, I will be starting her again today or tomorrow and than just some more rubber seals to replace and I'm good to go.


Last edited by Oldgoat on Sun Sep 26, 2010 8:17 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : typos)


9Back to top Go down   Dyna Beads Empty Well, how'd they go? Tue Sep 10, 2013 4:02 pm


Silver member
Silver member
Hey OG,

about to reinstall a freshly painted rear wheel. No balancing weights on it. I have a bag o beads for when I do.

How did they work out for you?




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