BMW K bikes (Bricks)

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1Back to top Go down   New member K1100LT Empty New member K1100LT Wed Sep 14, 2022 2:30 am

DnA Customs

DnA Customs
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Hi , new to the group but been building bikes for many year and just stuck on a 1994 K1100LT 16v.

need some help from the brains trust if possible, Cheers

the bike is Aussie delivered, 170000km on the engine but mechanically A1.

running new bosch fuel pump and filter, pressure reg working and have 36psi fuel pressure.
new EV16 4 nozzle injectors that flow 120cc as per the OEM injectors.
new engine coolant dual sensor, TPS set, ECM checked for faults history (engine temp sensor), TPS set via test box.

bike is running very rich at idle on our dyno using 4.9v wide band o2 sensor probes, blk plugs and exhaust.
I have balanced throttle bodies via air bleed screws and the O2 trim pot has no effect to mixture.

bike is a custom build running pod filters and the air temp sensor is located against a pod filter.
electrics still run the temp and charge globes, temp light comes on with key on and goes out when engine starts.
bike temp is good running a bsk alloy radiator.

I am totally stumped as to why this engine runs very rich at idle?

2Back to top Go down   New member K1100LT Empty Re: New member K1100LT Wed Sep 14, 2022 2:50 pm


Welcome DnA Customs Smile

New member K1100LT Eu-log10  K1100RS/LT - R1200RT - R1100RS - Cagiva SST 350 Ala Verde - K75LT project - K75 Schurgers - K75S - K1100RS - K75RT - K75C

3Back to top Go down   New member K1100LT Empty Re: New member K1100LT Wed Sep 14, 2022 7:34 pm

DnA Customs

DnA Customs
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This is the current location and setup

4Back to top Go down   New member K1100LT Empty Re: New member K1100LT Wed Sep 14, 2022 7:36 pm

DnA Customs

DnA Customs
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Current setup New member K1100LT 53521410
New member K1100LT 3023b610

5Back to top Go down   New member K1100LT Empty Re: New member K1100LT Tue Sep 20, 2022 2:17 am


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DnA Customs wrote:
I am totally stumped as to why this engine runs very rich at idle?
Because these crap air filters do not allow enough air at idle.
There's no difference with the OEM air filter and no filter on a power bench.
So the OEM filter provides a free air flow. 
How could any filter do better?

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6Back to top Go down   New member K1100LT Empty filters Tue Sep 20, 2022 4:19 am

DnA Customs

DnA Customs
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yeah ive come to the conclusion that these K&N pod filters were the cause so will fit the oem airbox back on, then its all stock fuel management wise.

7Back to top Go down   New member K1100LT Empty Re: New member K1100LT Tue Sep 20, 2022 7:21 am


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DnA Customs wrote:yeah ive come to the conclusion that these K&N pod filters were the cause so will fit the oem airbox back on, then its all stock fuel management wise.
That will also put the air temperature meter probe into the intake air flow where it belongs.

1995 K75 90,000 miles

8Back to top Go down   New member K1100LT Empty Re: New member K1100LT Tue Sep 20, 2022 10:47 am


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Pods will work but as jbt indicated, more volume is needed like was done here.

1995 K75 90,000 miles

9Back to top Go down   New member K1100LT Empty Re: New member K1100LT Tue Sep 20, 2022 8:23 pm

DnA Customs

DnA Customs
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ahh, thank you very much for this info.

10Back to top Go down   New member K1100LT Empty Re: New member K1100LT Sun Sep 25, 2022 9:32 am


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New member K1100LT 177912 to this forum!



11Back to top Go down   New member K1100LT Empty Re: New member K1100LT Tue Sep 27, 2022 1:45 pm

bad boy

bad boy
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hi DnA Customs
New member K1100LT 177912 here

Cheerz, David

New member K1100LT 9438-010

1997 Peraves Super Ecomobile: a Kevlar reinforced monocoque with outrigger wheels, seating two.
Mechanically a Brick and nothing but a Brick, although an amalgam of various models and years:
K75 fork; K100 monolever, headlight and indicators; K1100RS gearbox; K1200RS 589 instrument cluster, engine and rear wheel

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