BMW K bikes (Bricks)

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Life time member
Life time member
I think it's great what the Kweensland krew do. Just checking if there's any interest in a ViKtorian catch up. I'll put out a low commitment suggestion, we catch up once a year, maybe a Sunday lunch or something like that. From where some of the Victorian members I've met are, I'll suggest the Meadow Inn Motel, Fawkner (I was thinking the First and Last Hotel but it's small) but open on the time and place. Even if it's only two people once a year, that's something, and a start.

11/1985 BMW K100RT (late model)  Vin. 0090567
 ~120,000 km


Life time member
Life time member
hope it works and i wish some one would do the same in the UK , i am in the vmcc and some of the runs are 100miles plus (on my 1938 velocette still easy) on a brick no problem  Very Happy



Life time member
Life time member
Our group started small with a few of us going over to Matts place to help him with his rear main seal. The initial idea was to move the Workshop day around from Kronie to Kronie. And this has been done on a couple of occasions, once to Bruce's place to try to get his ABS working and another time to Vic's place to get his daughters K100 cafe racer starting. However due to various reasons e.g.  lack of space, tools, good catering etc. it's now semi permanently in North Lakes. Fortunately I have a really good wife who puts up with the Kronies foibles and  she even tolerates Mick. On occasions it has even crossed into different areas, as skills are not just related to Bricks, a lot of knowledge can be found amongst the Kronies. And even though there is a bit of a generation gap everyone gets along and meshes really well, to date I believe not one argument. Start small and with a bit of nurturing and tolerance it will flourish. 
Regards Martin.

1992 K75s

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