BMW K bikes (Bricks)

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1Back to top Go down   Missing CO pot. Empty Missing CO pot. Tue Oct 22, 2024 9:59 pm


active member
active member
Hello all, 

I've been working on my k100 and i was looking to address my fueling issue. My bike is running extremely rich and my clothes reek of exhaust after a ride.

One of my repair manuals says that I should adjust the CO pot, and to my surprise there isn't one installed. This bike was non running when I bought it and I guess it just didn't have one. I double checked with my stock k100 and can confirm the location. (Both are 1992 k100rs). I heard that without the CO pot, the ECU just ends up running rich. If I can determine the resistance range of the CO pot, what's stopping me from using any old potentiometer as a replacement? Replacement co pots are pretty pricey and I can't afford it at the moment. 

I also forgot to mention I'm running the bike without O2 sensors. Are they necessary for fueling? Are they emission related?

Any input? Thanks all!

Edit: added pictures. Excuse my formatting, I'm having a hard time editing on my phone.
1) Potentiometer off of eBay 
2)copot on my stock k100 
3) missing copot off my project k100Missing CO pot. Img_2020
Missing CO pot. Img_2018
Missing CO pot. Img_2019


2Back to top Go down   Missing CO pot. Empty Re: Missing CO pot. Wed Oct 23, 2024 2:09 pm


Life time member
Life time member
What is exactly your K100?
8v? 16v? With or without catalyser? Which year?

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3Back to top Go down   Missing CO pot. Empty Re: Missing CO pot. Wed Oct 23, 2024 2:29 pm


active member
active member
1992 k100rs 16v without catalytic converter.


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