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1Back to top Go down   Retrorides (sigh) Empty Retrorides (sigh) Sat Dec 07, 2024 1:02 pm


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Hello all

I bought the retrorides subframe and its beautiful piece of work but the cowl it came with (from cafe4racer) is much narrower that what the installation requires it to reventing from installing the tail. I’m tempted to buy the cafe racer bible but considering how expensive it is, does anyone know if they provide plans for the cowl manufacture as well or just the tail? 

If they dont ill just disassemble the poor cafe4racer cowl and remake it using different dimensions. 

Thanks again for all the knowledge imparted on this forum!


2Back to top Go down   Retrorides (sigh) Empty Re: Retrorides (sigh) Mon Dec 09, 2024 9:09 pm


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The Retrorides subframe tapers toward the back, making the rear of the bike very narrow. The sub frame pieces don't mount parallel to one another. I mention this because I saw someone recently welded their subframe on in this fashion and it looks so strange and not as intended. The inside dimension at the rear holes in the subframe should be 176mm.


3Back to top Go down   Retrorides (sigh) Empty Re: Retrorides (sigh) Tue Dec 10, 2024 1:32 am


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apjasko wrote:The Retrorides subframe tapers toward the back, making the rear of the bike very narrow. The sub frame pieces don't mount parallel to one another. I mention this because I saw someone recently welded their subframe on in this fashion and it looks so strange and not as intended. The inside dimension at the rear holes in the subframe should be 176mm.
ahhh that makes more sense!! 

so weird seeing people mounting welding tabs with the big long threat then that makes the tabs parallel, but I guess the front of the subframe follows the tank curves and the rear has the cowl so should be easily measurable Smile  
 thank you!


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