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1Back to top Go down   Wiring diagram question Empty Wiring diagram question Wed Jan 01, 2025 1:15 am


active member
active member
I have a copy of the Clymer manual for our K-bikes with the very handy wiring diagram in the back. I have a background in aviation and have read my share of electrical schematics, but the formatting is quite different. I've been able to figure most of it out except for one thing.

Wiring diagram question Schema10

The junction circled in blue is clearly a ground point, but what about the one circled in red? Is that supposed to be +12VDC? The diagrams I'm familiar go from battery to fuse block/circuit breaker then whatever comes after that, this is a different animal.
I'm sure I'm over-complicating it, but if someone could point me in the right direction I'd appreciate it.
Thank you.


2Back to top Go down   Wiring diagram question Empty Re: Wiring diagram question Wed Jan 01, 2025 1:50 am

Rick G

Rick G
It is just a point where the eth wires are joined but not earthed at that point.

"Man sacrifices his health in order to make money.
Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health.
And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived."   Dalai Lama

Bikes 1999 K1100 LT with a Big Block 1200

3Back to top Go down   Wiring diagram question Empty Re: Wiring diagram question Wed Jan 01, 2025 2:25 am


active member
active member
Rick G wrote:It is just a point where the eth wires are joined but not earthed at that point.

I sorta figured it was something like that, I'm just trying to visualize that in an actual installation. That should mean that one of the wires likely comes from a fuse (or maybe a computer module) and that's the source of the power, now I just have to rewire my brain to forget what I'm accustomed to and get used to something new...not as easy for this old dog as it used to be.

Thanks for the reply!


4Back to top Go down   Wiring diagram question Empty Re: Wiring diagram question Sun Jan 12, 2025 2:03 pm


We call it a splice, we have many in our busses Smile
Indeed this diagram is totally different from what the rest of automotive use, or aviation, but easy to follow for people who know only a little of electrics.
Another thing is the later SLP, another type of diagram.

Wiring diagram question Eu-log10  K1100RS/LT - R1200RT - R1100RS - Cagiva SST 350 Ala Verde - K75LT project - K75 Schurgers - K75S - K1100RS - K75RT - K75C

5Back to top Go down   Wiring diagram question Empty Re: Wiring diagram question Sun Jan 12, 2025 2:54 pm


Life time member
Life time member
IMO it's really poor way of showing a wire junction. Back in my analogue design days the one thing that was hammered into me repeatedly when designing circuits was never show a wiring join as a cross. Always clearly stagger it because when it is copied (and a copy made of the copy and a copy made of the copy of the copy....) that way you could be sure that a blob that suddenly appears on two crossed wires at some point in the copycopycopy process is not a join.

Slap on the wrist, Mr. BMW Wiring Loom Designer.

As for aviation wiring harnesses... why is every damn wire white????

In truth though things may have changed since I was crawling around in SD-360s, Q400s and LearJet 35s thirty-odd years ago.

1983 K100 naked upgraded to K100LT spec after spending time as an RS and an RT
1987 K100RT
1978 Moto Guzzi 850-T3, 1979 Moto Guzzi 850-T3 California,1993 Moto Guzzi 1100ie California
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