BMW K bikes (Bricks)

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1Back to top Go down   REAR SHOCK K100 RT 1987 Empty REAR SHOCK K100 RT 1987 Wed 04 Apr 2012, 04:06


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does anyone know where i can purchase a workable second hand shock,for my bike haveing great trouble finding one. thanks lesso


2Back to top Go down   REAR SHOCK K100 RT 1987 Empty Re: REAR SHOCK K100 RT 1987 Wed 04 Apr 2012, 04:33

Rick G

Rick G
I am not sure if you would find a satisfactory working OEM shock they don't last very well
I bought a RAM shock from realm engineering and it was very good and not expensive
Have a look they have a very good name

"Man sacrifices his health in order to make money.
Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health.
And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived."   Dalai Lama

Bikes 1999 K1100 LT with a Big Block 1200

3Back to top Go down   REAR SHOCK K100 RT 1987 Empty Re: REAR SHOCK K100 RT 1987 Wed 04 Apr 2012, 04:45

mike d

Life time member
Life time member
Have you given Motorworks or Sherlocks a call?



4Back to top Go down   REAR SHOCK K100 RT 1987 Empty Re: REAR SHOCK K100 RT 1987 Wed 04 Apr 2012, 05:11


Silver member
Silver member
i also bought a shock from realm engineering - works more than fine for me!

as someone else said - you never have any warranty while buying a used one, which still can be pretty expensive. i would recommend buying a new one and being able to enjoy it for more than 2kkm Wink



5Back to top Go down   REAR SHOCK K100 RT 1987 Empty k100rt Wed 04 Apr 2012, 05:22


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active member
thanks for info. have sorted the supplier of used one full refund. have tried motorworks havent one and realm . will put on hold for abit as newones expensive but thanks


6Back to top Go down   REAR SHOCK K100 RT 1987 Empty Re: REAR SHOCK K100 RT 1987 Wed 04 Apr 2012, 06:47


Life time member
Life time member
I have one available. I replaced mine for a longer one. Contact me per PM if interested.

Greetings from Florida Australia! Having a 'new' K     Surprised-o: 


BMW K100 - 1985 (0030029) Scotland REAR SHOCK K100 RT 1987 Rain
BMW K1200GT - 2003 (ZK01223) Florida
BMW K1200GT - 2004 (ZK27240) Australia

7Back to top Go down   REAR SHOCK K100 RT 1987 Empty Re: REAR SHOCK K100 RT 1987 Fri 06 Apr 2012, 00:30


Life time member
Life time member
Lesso, please take care when posting. If your subject (shock absorber for example) interests another forum member, I doubt very much they'll look in the Electrical section. Very Happy

K100RS 1986 RED!

Dress for the ride and the potential slide.

8Back to top Go down   REAR SHOCK K100 RT 1987 Empty Re: REAR SHOCK K100 RT 1987 Tue 17 Apr 2012, 00:18


Life time member
Life time member
Lesso, sent an email. Cheers, Rene.

Greetings from Florida Australia! Having a 'new' K     Surprised-o: 


BMW K100 - 1985 (0030029) Scotland REAR SHOCK K100 RT 1987 Rain
BMW K1200GT - 2003 (ZK01223) Florida
BMW K1200GT - 2004 (ZK27240) Australia

9Back to top Go down   REAR SHOCK K100 RT 1987 Empty Re: REAR SHOCK K100 RT 1987 Sun 22 Apr 2012, 05:17


Silver member
Silver member
I Lesso,

I have problems with my rear shock and the solution i found to repair it and have warranty, was contact a firm that prepar cars and motorcycles for competition and they rebuild my shock, and installing a valve that gives the possibility to recharge it. They also make a new vein, larger than the original one and put all o-rings new.

It works better than the original and was a non expensive solution. (i have paid +- €120).

Good Curves


10Back to top Go down   REAR SHOCK K100 RT 1987 Empty rear shock Tue 24 Apr 2012, 00:14


active member
active member
all sorted thanks to kind site supporter. just need to know which way round it goes


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