BMW K bikes (Bricks)

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1Back to top Go down   Far Cairn Rally 2013 Empty Far Cairn Rally 2013 Sun Sep 22, 2013 4:54 am


Life time member
Life time member
Far Cairn Rally 2013 212902 Far Cairn Rally 2013 Bmwbannersig_zps9f67f49aFar Cairn Rally 2013 212902 

A brief post to say thanks for all those who came, I can't remember all your names, there will be more coming later as I gather my thoughts.

The display went great, the non-K participants of the rally took part with voting etc and I think the right bikes won (sorry no pics I was too busy doing other things).  I think there were about 20 bikes on display up to a K1200GT (The 1600 arrived too late).  All the awards were peoples choice voting except for the oldest K.

  • Oldest was a naked K100 with a compliance plate of 8/83

  • Graeme Cramps 88 K100RT was a very popular and well-deserved RAT bike

  • Best Sports K went to Smithies lovely K100RS

  • Best Touring K was Garrys K1100LT which walloped the opposition(I have the voting results in front of me)

  • The best sidecar wasn't mine!  It was very well presented white K100RT and HRD sidecar.  (I'll have to pack the Spray 'n Wipe and Chux clothes next time)

  • The prestigious Best K series overall award was Smithies K100RS again.  It's a great looking trophy too.

Far Cairn Rally 2013 Sportsandbest_zps71053939


Far Cairn Rally 2013 1234021_726664537360520_1667516231_n_zps1585ed92
Far Cairn Rally 2013 1237851_726665307360443_842036097_n_zps0a2449c7

Abby doing her inspection of the winning machines.

The banner of the graphic posted above was auctioned to raise further funds for our charity MARI (Motorcyclist Accident Rehabiliation Initiative) which two members of my club started. 

When I ordered the banner, I also ordered 2 T-shirts for myself to see how they come out.  I've had the graphic printed full chest width on a white shirt, it really stands out.  If anyone is interested in a shirt to celebrate this event please PM me and I'll send you the details.  Prices are (>XL, $23.25 with postage, $15 without) (XXL, $26.25 with postage, $18 without).  We can also get a 6 foot banner made for garage decoration if you want, in indoor quality white vinyl its $58 with postage, $45 without.  All prices are postage in Australia.  Overseas orders are welcome, but I'll have to get a separate price for postage in that case.  Like I said PM me if interested.  Marie my wife would like to get any orders in the next few days so we can place the order.


Last edited by AL-58 on Sun Sep 22, 2013 6:15 am; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : Abby doing her inspection of the winning machines.)

'93 K1100LT
'08 F650GS (798cc)
'19 R1250RS

+ another boxer engined motorcycle and sidecar

"When I'm too old and too foolish to handle a sidecar I'll buy a Sportsbike"

Far Cairn Rally 2013 K-dogs10

2Back to top Go down   Far Cairn Rally 2013 Empty Re: Far Cairn Rally 2013 Sun Sep 22, 2013 5:59 am


Good stuff Al
Very happy to see you have posted here nice and early after arriving home.

My turn now. I was going to wait until tomorrow, but there is competition now to get the first photos up.

This is how I left.

Far Cairn Rally 2013 Dsc05115

This is how the bike should have looked when we arrived at Tottenham. It didn't look like this. I told you the last photo was all smoke and mirrors.
Far Cairn Rally 2013 Dsc05114

Organised to meet GroverK on the highway and head on down to Wazz'zs place for coffee, cake and a bike wash.

This is what GroverK (Ed) looks like.

Far Cairn Rally 2013 Dsc05116

This is what he looks like while he is touching his bike

Far Cairn Rally 2013 Dsc05117

This is what he looks like taking a photo

Far Cairn Rally 2013 Dsc05118

This is something like what the photo he took might look like

Far Cairn Rally 2013 Dsc05120

This is Australia's bit of exotic road

Far Cairn Rally 2013 Dsc05121

Nice day for the beach. Or not.

Far Cairn Rally 2013 Dsc05122

Now before I hit alt F4 this little bit will be uploaded.

1986 K100RT VIN 0093801K100RT with summer fairing for a northern visitor

Basic/2 6308802K100CJ  05/1988

K1100RS 0194321

3Back to top Go down   Far Cairn Rally 2013 Empty Re: Far Cairn Rally 2013 Sun Sep 22, 2013 6:21 am


So now we get to Wazz'zs place. Funny, but I specifically asked for coffee, cake and a free bike wash.
We were served coffee and cake and .........

So this is Wazz'szs brick

Far Cairn Rally 2013 Dsc05210

Not sure what all the holes are for, but it must be comfortable.

He managed some hocus pocus and left the house on this

Far Cairn Rally 2013 Dsc05211

After a pleasant ride up Macquarie Pass and a bit of freeway we hit rain. Yes it is heavy, but I can see just up ahead it has stopped. Keeep riding. Oh, it has started again. Heavier. But I can see up ahead it is fine. Keep riding. It stops. Then it starts again and my balls are getting wet so I stopped to don the gear. Wind is 30 knots. Rain is 4 gallons/sq m. Rain suit has velcro on wrists and ankles and they are all stuck together. Fingers are numb in my summer gloves (it was spring when we left Wazz'zsz place) and fumbling with damn fn stupid velcro and jacket and boots and the silly back pack I have on and then ride 5kms and it is fine and sunny and do we stop to take the gear off and then it rains again so we leave the gear on.
Then it stops.
Then it rains.
Then it stops.
Then we pull in to the wind generated elektrikery things for a photo op for Ed and it starts to hail.
It was not ahiling the mighty K, but the sky was spitting lumps of ice at us.
Have fun Ed.

So this is the cafe found at Crookwell. Look up oxymoron in the dictionary and it says Crookwell.
The cafe had a fire, coffee, bacon and egg rolls and three other fellas heading off to Tottenham.
This is the halo effect from Ed's head.

Far Cairn Rally 2013 Dsc05212

That is all the pics I took for Friday.
We got wet again.
We had some very close calls on the gravel/dirt/slippery as all get out clay road between Crookwell and Carcoar ( the end point for today's ride) and an absolutely brilliant road was not totally ruined by rain, but certainly showed potential for a dry run and we ended up in Carcoar to meet Ullrich, Tom, Caroline (Aunty BB) Rick G and Marg G.

ends part two

1986 K100RT VIN 0093801K100RT with summer fairing for a northern visitor

Basic/2 6308802K100CJ  05/1988

K1100RS 0194321

4Back to top Go down   Far Cairn Rally 2013 Empty Re: Far Cairn Rally 2013 Sun Sep 22, 2013 6:39 am


Life time member
Life time member
 Some members from the K-100 forum also raised further funds for MARI.  This morning we had a hand over before packing to head in various directions.

It was a beautiful morning. The handover with the forum members in attendance
Far Cairn Rally 2013 Handover_zps15ef179a

Al Peters (BMWTCNSW president) with Grover K, Woz(BMWTCNSW Woz)aka club secretary in the background, Wato (BMWTCNSW stalwart and K-100 forum member) at the banner

Far Cairn Rally 2013 Handoverpres_zps1690d54b

The other side of the banner (I've had to adjust with photoshop to bring up the signatures.
Far Cairn Rally 2013 Handover2_zps45ad3843

Enough for tonight.


'93 K1100LT
'08 F650GS (798cc)
'19 R1250RS

+ another boxer engined motorcycle and sidecar

"When I'm too old and too foolish to handle a sidecar I'll buy a Sportsbike"

Far Cairn Rally 2013 K-dogs10

5Back to top Go down   Far Cairn Rally 2013 Empty Re: Far Cairn Rally 2013 Sun Sep 22, 2013 6:40 am


Hmmm. Wonder why Ed's head was giving off so much light?

Ed, with cup to mouth, Tom G and Ulli G. Breakfast time.

Far Cairn Rally 2013 Dsc05213

Saturday morning.
Rickmeister's (Ulrich) bike up front, just about to topple over in the wet grass, then Wazz'szszs bike, mine in front of his, Carolines next to mine and Marg G's next to that.

Far Cairn Rally 2013 Dsc05214

Ulli's back, Ed, Waz, Tom.
Ed's bike, Rick G's bike, Tom's bike

Far Cairn Rally 2013 Dsc05215

Bikes and people.
The people are: Caroline, Tom, Ed, Ross (the publican) Rickmeister and Waz

Far Cairn Rally 2013 Dsc05216

And then we left the Royal Hotel Carcoar. Actually we didn't leave. We moved the bikes from the back to the front and started taking photos again. Will this day never end?
Left to right.
Aunty BB
Tom meister.
Missing are Rick and Marg G. Still in bed?????

Far Cairn Rally 2013 Dsc05218

Carcoar railway station. I took this while waiting for Ed and Waz. It was less than 300m from the pub. they got lost. /sigh

Far Cairn Rally 2013 Dsc05219

The town of Carcoar.

Far Cairn Rally 2013 Dsc05220

part 3 to follow

1986 K100RT VIN 0093801K100RT with summer fairing for a northern visitor

Basic/2 6308802K100CJ  05/1988

K1100RS 0194321

6Back to top Go down   Far Cairn Rally 2013 Empty Re: Far Cairn Rally 2013 Sun Sep 22, 2013 7:05 am


Glad I wasn't driving a truck.

Far Cairn Rally 2013 Dsc05221

At this point I may have let out a little wee.
Mt Panorama.

Far Cairn Rally 2013 Dsc05222

Who am I kidding. I hear urine is good for blisters. These new boots and socks should wear in a treat.

Just off the track after one helluva good ride. 60kph the whole way and I could not have been happier. THE premier track in Australia. I last drove around it in 1985. Took over 6 minutes. Track record is 2m 8sec in a V8.
I am sure that track is made of chocolate cause I had half a bar the whole way round.

Far Cairn Rally 2013 Dsc05223

Holden v Ford

Far Cairn Rally 2013 Dsc05224

I don't care. Got my noggin in a photo at the end of pit straight and wearing a red suit.

Far Cairn Rally 2013 Dsc05225

Pink blanket?

Far Cairn Rally 2013 Dsc05226

So we left all that behind and started to cruise. Nice crusing. 120kph sweet spot stuff.
Crossed the train line.
Crossed it again
and again
and again
And then it told is to stop.
3 trains per week???? Timing was spot on.

Far Cairn Rally 2013 Dsc05227

Canola. Looks impressive. Hope the GM (genetically modified) guys haven't gotten hold of it yet.

Far Cairn Rally 2013 Dsc05228

Bit of dirt to the front.

Far Cairn Rally 2013 Dsc05229

1986 K100RT VIN 0093801K100RT with summer fairing for a northern visitor

Basic/2 6308802K100CJ  05/1988

K1100RS 0194321

7Back to top Go down   Far Cairn Rally 2013 Empty Re: Far Cairn Rally 2013 Sun Sep 22, 2013 7:19 am


Bit of dirt behind
Say hi to the folks Waz

Far Cairn Rally 2013 Dsc05230

A long straight road. This is the long straight road after the previous long straight road, but not the long straight road before the longer staighter  road before the long straight road.

Far Cairn Rally 2013 Dsc05231

So after the long straights and the rain and the.. well nothing actually, it seems that Waz made it to Tottenham.

Far Cairn Rally 2013 Dsc05232

And then they had a K show off.
Can't be arsed to commentate on this cause my bike didn't win.
Here are a few photos.

Far Cairn Rally 2013 Dsc05233
oh look, there is Ed

Far Cairn Rally 2013 Dsc05234

Far Cairn Rally 2013 Dsc05235

And here are some people.
Tom, Aunty BB, Rick G, Charlie, No idea who this guy is though if he rode and he was a ghost he may be a riding ghost, but I got scared and moved on to RobinW

Far Cairn Rally 2013 Dsc05236

1986 K100RT VIN 0093801K100RT with summer fairing for a northern visitor

Basic/2 6308802K100CJ  05/1988

K1100RS 0194321

8Back to top Go down   Far Cairn Rally 2013 Empty Re: Far Cairn Rally 2013 Sun Sep 22, 2013 7:23 am


I realy want to go to bed right now, but my wife is sick and snores louder than a K100 forum group meet up so I will keep going.

Gaz and Smithy

Far Cairn Rally 2013 Dsc05237

Ed and Charlie

Far Cairn Rally 2013 Dsc05238

Not sure on the content of this one. Seems someone slept with the judge and got a bit of a broken K as a "reward"
Sleep well guys?

Far Cairn Rally 2013 Dsc05240

A ghost?

Wonder if he rides???

Far Cairn Rally 2013 Dsc05241

It is almost like he is not really there. Spooky..

Far Cairn Rally 2013 Dsc05242

And then we left. But not before Rickmeister turned up. Late? Fashionably. thanks Col.

Far Cairn Rally 2013 Dsc05243

And then a bunch of photos. If you have been following along you should know who is who by now. If not, tough shit. Awesome weekend. met more forum members I did not know than those I have met before.
Stories told.
Hands shook.
And one special rider making a monumental effort just to blow us all out of the park.
Thanks guys and gals. Had a fantastic time.
For those that could not make it, you did not miss out.
Not a name was missed in the bullshit and drivel that was the Far Kairn rally 2013

Far Cairn Rally 2013 Dsc05244

Far Cairn Rally 2013 Dsc05245

Far Cairn Rally 2013 Dsc05246

Far Cairn Rally 2013 Dsc05247

This is part of the road home.

120-130kph and the bike just goes hommmmmmmmmmmmm. Yes please. More of this.

Far Cairn Rally 2013 Dsc05248

Yellow = Canola

Far Cairn Rally 2013 Dsc05249

Not sure who this twit is, but if you see him and his mouth is closed, get a photo. That is a very rare oportunity.

Far Cairn Rally 2013 Dsc05250

Thanks to the BMWTCNSW for organising the event.

So sorry for Ainsjac who missed the ride due to the date being changed.

Big thanks to our mate Col who helped out Rickmeister in Parkes after his IKON shock broke in two. Col drove down with a replacement and fitted it so Rick could complete the trip.
Still think the hard luck trophy should have been awarded to the bloke who turned up on the second day after mechanical difficulties.

time for bed.
Night all. Safe travels to everyone still on the road.
Cant wait till the next one.


1986 K100RT VIN 0093801K100RT with summer fairing for a northern visitor

Basic/2 6308802K100CJ  05/1988

K1100RS 0194321

9Back to top Go down   Far Cairn Rally 2013 Empty Re: Far Cairn Rally 2013 Sun Sep 22, 2013 8:20 am


Life time member
Life time member
rossko wrote:So now we get to Wazz'zs place. Funny, but I specifically asked for coffee, cake and a free bike wash.
We were served coffee and cake and .........

So this is Wazz'szs brick

Far Cairn Rally 2013 Dsc05210

Not sure what all the holes are for, but it must be comfortable.

Looks like you all had a Good weekend...Sorry I missed this one... Good to see the Ghost out in the light!  Thanks for the pics so far..

That is a mighty fine Roundel on that Brick Wazza!!!


10Back to top Go down   Far Cairn Rally 2013 Empty Re: Far Cairn Rally 2013 Sun Sep 22, 2013 8:21 am

92KK 84WW Olaf

Life time member
Life time member
Excellent postings and great photos. Its nice to put faces to the names we all know.

Hope everyone home safe too.


1992 K100LT 0193214 Bertha Blue 101,000 miles
1984 K100RT 0022575 Brutus Baja Red 578 bought 36,000 now 89,150 miles
1997 K1100LT 0188024 Wotan Mystic Red 689 58,645 now 106,950 miles Deceased.
1983 K100RS 0011157 Fricka 606 Alaska Blue 29,495 miles Damn K Pox Its a Bat outta Hell Now 58,200 miles. 
1996 K1100LT 0233004 Lohengrin Mystic Red 38,000 miles currently 54,800 miles.
1983 K100RS 0004449 Odette R100 colours 58,000 miles. Sprint fairing now 64,500 miles

1968 Yamaha 80 YG1
1971 Yamaha 125 YAS-1
1968 Honda 125 SS
1970 Honda CD 175
1973 Honda CB500-4
Honda CX 500

11Back to top Go down   Far Cairn Rally 2013 Empty Re: Far Cairn Rally 2013 Sun Sep 22, 2013 8:47 am


Life time member
Life time member
Gifted work rossco, seems Rickmiester needs a new shock and travel insurance every time he goes away with you his back end plays up. So is ricks bike canola yellow??? maybe it just got lost in the field and he took awhile to find it????/

Keith - 1987 K75c with r100rt replica fairing and half of a 1984 K100rt 1992 K1100LT a blue one

The Clever are adept at extricating themselves from situations that the wise would have avoided from the outset - QUOTE from david Hillel in Out of the Earth.

12Back to top Go down   Far Cairn Rally 2013 Empty Re: Far Cairn Rally 2013 Sun Sep 22, 2013 9:27 am

klompy the grey brick

klompy the grey brick
I agree great work Rossko....watched you on Glimpse for a whilst at work....Sad cause I had to be at work and also a dodgy one mate ....I even tinkered on the old girl "with my strong hand" quote from scary movie 3?? no photos from me other than....

KKlompy Far Cairn Rally 2013 2854237993
"Grace" 1984 K100RS Silver VIN 0019026 Mitt eine Staintune Zorst.
"Olivia" 1997 K1100LT Dark Grey VIN WB1052600W0237453.

Chassis number0019026
Vehicle code0503
ModelK 100 RS 83 (0502 ( 0503 )
Body typeK 100 RS 83 (0502
Catalog modelECE
Production date1984 / 07

Far Cairn Rally 2013 Au-log10


13Back to top Go down   Far Cairn Rally 2013 Empty Re: Far Cairn Rally 2013 Sun Sep 22, 2013 11:05 am

92KK 84WW Olaf

Life time member
Life time member
Albyalbatross1 wrote:
rossko wrote:So now we get to Wazz'zs place. Funny, but I specifically asked for coffee, cake and a free bike wash.
We were served coffee and cake and .........

So this is Wazz'szs brick

Far Cairn Rally 2013 Dsc05210

Not sure what all the holes are for, but it must be comfortable.
Looks like you all had a Good weekend...Sorry I missed this one... Good to see the Ghost out in the light!  Thanks for the pics so far..

That is a mighty fine Roundel on that Brick Wazza!!!
That's an 8 valve brick award. . .

1992 K100LT 0193214 Bertha Blue 101,000 miles
1984 K100RT 0022575 Brutus Baja Red 578 bought 36,000 now 89,150 miles
1997 K1100LT 0188024 Wotan Mystic Red 689 58,645 now 106,950 miles Deceased.
1983 K100RS 0011157 Fricka 606 Alaska Blue 29,495 miles Damn K Pox Its a Bat outta Hell Now 58,200 miles. 
1996 K1100LT 0233004 Lohengrin Mystic Red 38,000 miles currently 54,800 miles.
1983 K100RS 0004449 Odette R100 colours 58,000 miles. Sprint fairing now 64,500 miles

1968 Yamaha 80 YG1
1971 Yamaha 125 YAS-1
1968 Honda 125 SS
1970 Honda CD 175
1973 Honda CB500-4
Honda CX 500

14Back to top Go down   Far Cairn Rally 2013 Empty Re: Far Cairn Rally 2013 Sun Sep 22, 2013 11:14 pm


just made it home tonight

cheezy grin whilst riding, kinda bloke ....oh the joy !!!! ...... ( brick aviator )

'86 K100 RT..#0090401 ..."Gerty" ( Gertrude Von Clickandshift ) --------O%O
'86 k100 rs.. #######..  "Fred " (f(rame) red ) ( Fredrick leichtundschnell ) - -
bits and pieces from many kind friends across the k100 world ...with many thanks ..
1987 k100rs ########   "Red"  - (red sports rs TWB style )
1989 K100rt #009637   "Black Betty"  (naked rt ala Nigel , now sporting an rs main fairing )

15Back to top Go down   Far Cairn Rally 2013 Empty Re: Far Cairn Rally 2013 Mon Sep 23, 2013 12:25 am


Life time member
Life time member
charlie99 wrote:just made it home tonight
Didja have a good ride?  It was good to meet you.

More pics, for those who can (at Facebook):

and here:


'93 K1100LT
'08 F650GS (798cc)
'19 R1250RS

+ another boxer engined motorcycle and sidecar

"When I'm too old and too foolish to handle a sidecar I'll buy a Sportsbike"

Far Cairn Rally 2013 K-dogs10

16Back to top Go down   Far Cairn Rally 2013 Empty Re: Far Cairn Rally 2013 Mon Sep 23, 2013 4:13 am


Life time member
Life time member
finally home after a great 4 days away. 
it may take me a while to post a report and pics , as I need to scan the thread an view a few of my ( lots of pics and video) own stuff before I bore you all.
thanks to all , for the company during the weekend , I thorouhly enjoyed it.

1993 K1100RS  0194321         Colour #690 Silk Blue  aka " Smurfette"
2018 Kart upgrade.
Far Cairn Rally 2013 10_x_110

17Back to top Go down   Far Cairn Rally 2013 Empty Re: Far Cairn Rally 2013 Mon Sep 23, 2013 4:33 am


Life time member
Life time member
I'm not going to keep flooding this thread with my postings but here is photo of the site you'll be glad to see.  Taken by Josh Evans, photographer from Australian Motorcycle News from that helicopter that was buzzing about in the afternoon.

Far Cairn Rally 2013 Rallysite_zps1b0a3077

'93 K1100LT
'08 F650GS (798cc)
'19 R1250RS

+ another boxer engined motorcycle and sidecar

"When I'm too old and too foolish to handle a sidecar I'll buy a Sportsbike"

Far Cairn Rally 2013 K-dogs10

18Back to top Go down   Far Cairn Rally 2013 Empty Re: Far Cairn Rally 2013 Mon Sep 23, 2013 4:58 am

Ghost who rides

Ghost who rides
Life time member
Life time member
Just pulled into Renmark hotel motel . shoulder is screaming at me , taking medication as i type !

2550kms so far 300 to go tomorrow ,should be doable .

I'd like thank Al and Maree ? for doing the K and forum side , well done .

Also Grover and Smithy for the tee and hat (actually thanks Charlie for the hat !) good work

Good to meet all you new and old friends , and Rosskko , thank your mother for the rabbits !

1986  K 75 C   2nd owner 187,000kms showing .
1987  K100RT  Police repainted, rough and unloved.

19Back to top Go down   Far Cairn Rally 2013 Empty Re: Far Cairn Rally 2013 Mon Sep 23, 2013 7:32 am


Life time member
Life time member
Well what a great weekend, It was good to place faces to user names and meet so many  forum members, thanks for making me so welcome. I hope it's not going to be to long between drinks,  as I'll be looking forward to the next  forum ride to catch up. And what a good line up of Ks on display, thanks to Al and Maree for all the hard work they have put in to make this 30th K celebration  such a great event. I did manage to take some pics after the ghost showed me how to use the camera, thanks Gordo .

                      I must have been greedy

Far Cairn Rally 2013 Far_ca23

                   My rs Charlies rt and the winning K1100lt of Gaz 80

Far Cairn Rally 2013 Far_ca25

                Gavins nice cruiser ( think I've got him talked into a K )

Far Cairn Rally 2013 Far_ca26

87 K100rs : Vin 9462 
86 K100rt : Vin 9901
98 K1100lt: Vin 8044

20Back to top Go down   Far Cairn Rally 2013 Empty Re: Far Cairn Rally 2013 Mon Sep 23, 2013 8:40 am


Silver member
Silver member
rossko wrote:
And here are some people.
Tom, Aunty BB, Rick G, Charlie, No idea who this guy is though if he rode and he was a ghost he may be a riding ghost, but I got scared and moved on to RobinW

Far Cairn Rally 2013 Dsc05236
Fudge, Can't remember his name right now!  He lives in Gosford, and was on that burgundy K1100 that was sitting next to a tent in the walkway through to where the bike show and video etc were done.  Have chatted with him at pie in the sky a few times now!  Unless the above was a reference to Ghost who rides - in which case, he has a doppelganger in Gosford :-p)

Next year I think I'll go up separately to the central coast guys, and take a day extra. - Doing it over two days on the way up was really nice, though I'd have preferred going a bit slower - I know the guys kept saying 'just go at your own pace, we're happy to sit and wait at every corner, but I still felt like I had to push as hard as I could so they weren't waiting for 15 minutes every time..   Doing the 600k in one hit on the way back absolutely wrecked me!  We pulled out of there at 7:30am (didn't get to come say hi! Sad), and were home at 2:30pm!  My right leg started cramping up just before we came into Merriwa, and no amount of walking or massaging it would get it to stop fully!  I spent the next 200km with my right leg stuck out the side, swinging it back and forth to keep it moving. Not fun!

But it was a damned fun weekend!  The VFR towed the trailer really well, but I sure noticed the difference in where peak torque is delivered!  The K100 was happy going uphill at 100k/h in fourth gear.  The VFR needed to be kept above 6krpm.  But above 7krpm she pulled like a freight train!  Once we left dubbo on the way in on Saturday, we just sat on 150k/h the whole way.   Tell ya what though, it takes a fugging long time to pull up a VFR plus fully loaded trailer from 150k/h!  The couple of times I missed a turnoff, it was because it took more than 200m to pull to a stop!  Though maybe I was just being a pansy, and not squeezing the front brake hard enough?  Was a good bedding in run for the new bike - I'm well and truly comfortable with it. I mightn't have totally enjoyed the high speeds, but it did force me to 'test' the bikes limits, and I did have a couple of corners I came way too hot into, and scraped the pegs around the bend - and the trailer pulled along happily!  I'm quite happy to say I no longer come into a corner and freeze if I'm going a bit too fast - I'm back to where I was many years ago, and back to the old 'if in doubt, power out' mantra.  Good, now I can go back to enjoying the scenery! Wink

Was good to put faces to a few names - next meetup, I'll actually stop and have a good chat :-p

2000 VFR800

21Back to top Go down   Far Cairn Rally 2013 Empty Re: Far Cairn Rally 2013 Mon Sep 23, 2013 9:10 am


Life time member
Life time member
on Friday most of the attendees were out on the road heading for Far Kairn , 
After meeting up with Rossko in Sydney , we headed for Waz's on the south coast , south of Sydney, 
Our first stop was at Stanwell Park lookout , looking across to the Sea Cliff Bridge , 
Wollongong is in the far left of the pic.
this is the angle I was capturing while Rossko was capturing me capturing that angle ,     now I'm starting to talk like him.!!
Far Cairn Rally 2013 00510

notice how smick the basic looks, cleeeeaaaaaaan!

Rossko on the decent from the lookout at Stanwell.

Rossko and Waz at the wind farm lookout, just west of Crookwell.

"#$#@#$%%^^&* "
what was that Rossko, you want to keep moving , we just got here, you haven't smiled for the camera yet.... say ICE.

Far Cairn Rally 2013 01710
that is hail falling !

just as we approached Carcoar we came upon another Wind Farm, only it was shrouded in clear sky and sunshine , 
we  didn't stop here. don't know why.

covering up incriminating evidence which cost him the " BEST Basic K100 "  award , oh, was there one, not too worry just ask smithy for a loaner trophy.

Far Cairn Rally 2013 02911

was so happy to check in on friday evening , hot shower , fireplace and a top meal with great company.

I'll add some more tomorrow.

Vids need time to upload.

Last edited by groverK on Tue Jan 21, 2014 6:03 am; edited 1 time in total

1993 K1100RS  0194321         Colour #690 Silk Blue  aka " Smurfette"
2018 Kart upgrade.
Far Cairn Rally 2013 10_x_110

22Back to top Go down   Far Cairn Rally 2013 Empty Re: Far Cairn Rally 2013 Mon Sep 23, 2013 9:21 am


I lost you guys on the way back and started nodding off around Moree so figured I'd better stay there the night. After lots of roadwork stops today, I got home around 2pm without issue. 

Not a lot of pics just a couple.

The bikes at the Bingara Pub.
Far Cairn Rally 2013 Bingara

Our Private little camp site at Coonabarabran.
Far Cairn Rally 2013 Coona-caravan

Gavin, Smithy, Gaz and Charlie.
Far Cairn Rally 2013 Coonabaraban

Notice the fence and road barrier in that pic, that's the hi way and about 140 thousand road trains passed that point on Friday Night Shocked


23Back to top Go down   Far Cairn Rally 2013 Empty Re: Far Cairn Rally 2013 Mon Sep 23, 2013 10:05 am


good to hear robin .....we lost you at Gulgong ?

made it home about 12 ish

but internet is playing up

cheezy grin whilst riding, kinda bloke ....oh the joy !!!! ...... ( brick aviator )

'86 K100 RT..#0090401 ..."Gerty" ( Gertrude Von Clickandshift ) --------O%O
'86 k100 rs.. #######..  "Fred " (f(rame) red ) ( Fredrick leichtundschnell ) - -
bits and pieces from many kind friends across the k100 world ...with many thanks ..
1987 k100rs ########   "Red"  - (red sports rs TWB style )
1989 K100rt #009637   "Black Betty"  (naked rt ala Nigel , now sporting an rs main fairing )

24Back to top Go down   Far Cairn Rally 2013 Empty Re: Far Cairn Rally 2013 Mon Sep 23, 2013 10:23 am


Life time member
Life time member
Just managed to get on the forum with some time to read the posts. Good to see that all seem to be home safely. I got away from Tottenham at 9.00am and landed home in Greta at 2.30pm. Had an interesting quick run from Dunedoo to Merriwa behind a young lady P plate driver in a Corolla who is obviously intent on loosing her license for speeding - but if somebody wants to play "I'll check for radar" who am I to argue?

I arrived home before our family visitors from Queensland who are staying the week just as I had promised but only 30 minutes ahead so domestic harmony was almost on the line. Had a terrific weekend and really felt part of the forum "team". Friday meet up at Bingara with Smithy, Robin , Charlie and Gav worked out as planned and made a good size travelling party down to Tottenham on Saturday. Will check photos when I have a chance between playing Grandad this week but I think most that I took are already covered by others.

Looking forward to the next adventure.

1990 K75 6427509; 1987 R80G/S PD 6292136; 2010 G650GS ZW13381; 95 K1100LT 0232224

25Back to top Go down   Far Cairn Rally 2013 Empty Re: Far Cairn Rally 2013 Mon Sep 23, 2013 8:57 pm

Rick G

Rick G
Made it home at 4pm yesterday (Monday) with just 2km short of 2000km on the clock and 6 riding days in a row which we both agree is too much now and a day off is needed in future to rest the aging bones and brain.
Trailer towed faultlessly and the K1100 used about 400ml of oil which seems to be about the normal for it.
Returned around 7.2l/100k which is not too bad considering the weight of a fully loaded trailer, panniers and a 120kg rider, the K75 did the usual 4.1l/100k.
All in all a damn good weekend with good bikes, good people and a real good bottle of rum.

"Man sacrifices his health in order to make money.
Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health.
And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived."   Dalai Lama

Bikes 1999 K1100 LT with a Big Block 1200

26Back to top Go down   Far Cairn Rally 2013 Empty Re: Far Cairn Rally 2013 Mon Sep 23, 2013 9:59 pm


active member
active member
It was great to see all those K's out on the road and at the rally. It sure brought back some memories of my old K.
It was even better to meet more of the K krowd from here. Lovely to meet you all.

I'd forgotten that distinctive K sound - something like a mix between George Jetson's spacesphip and a sewing machine Very Happy 
What I hadn't forgotten was the good ol' K smoke cloud. I'm sure they were much more intense in the old days when we had leaded fuel.

More K's than you can poke a stick at:

Far Cairn Rally 2013 <a href=Far Cairn Rally 2013 Tottenham2_zps44ac10a8

Far Cairn Rally 2013 <a href=Far Cairn Rally 2013 Tottenham3_zps8461214b

Far Cairn Rally 2013 <a href=Far Cairn Rally 2013 Tottenham1_zpsa4284387

Last edited by AuntieBB on Mon Sep 23, 2013 10:00 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : deleted crappy pic of my GS)

once upon a time: 1987 K100RT/TIC
now: 2010 R1200GS

27Back to top Go down   Far Cairn Rally 2013 Empty Re: Far Cairn Rally 2013 Tue Sep 24, 2013 12:29 am


Life time member
Life time member
saturday at the rally , some of the forum rigs had made their way to the rally to contend the value of a chair.

this is Al on his 1100 powered RS outfit trying to explain why they should vote for him.
Sorry Al they don't look too convinced , maybe next year mate.
Far Cairn Rally 2013 05010

BMSteves blue RT/ John Marshall  outfit , this is for sale , either as a complete rig , or he will seperate , as he wants to go back to a solo.
I did suggest to him I would be prepared for a clean swap/trade with my LT.
It was almost a done deal , well at least on my part.

Far Cairn Rally 2013 04410

quote "Bingo, I can post.Our return trip from the FCR got us to Dubbo ,where we were held up as Oliver who wasn't well at the rally came down real sick.Where at the medical centre at 12.30 he was in bed by one and didn't really surface till tuesday night only to spew and take more drugs.High temps. hes picked up some real bug.and It wasn't alochol induced.As we there supposed to be home by wens a further 750kms. I started making plans to only do short hops home via the sidecar rally.which got the approval from home... . Now all my brownie pointa are gone.......we did get home in one peice,sort of, after 2200kms and a week .Oli is better now .
We where the only K sidecar at the SCR there where some very nice other outfits there.Bms of course.

next I'll have to get some photos up. and earn some more points .Far Cairn Rally 2013 Icon_lol "


Polar-ice in the foreground, not sure who owned the red RT/ HRD in the background?

Far Cairn Rally 2013 04910

A well presented line up of outfits, we were all thinking of Sean and Bella during the weekend.A definite contender.
well done guys.

there is still more to come , one day at a time, still catching up with family , as it is school holidays at present.

Last edited by groverK on Sun Mar 16, 2014 2:34 am; edited 2 times in total

1993 K1100RS  0194321         Colour #690 Silk Blue  aka " Smurfette"
2018 Kart upgrade.
Far Cairn Rally 2013 10_x_110

28Back to top Go down   Far Cairn Rally 2013 Empty Re: Far Cairn Rally 2013 Tue Sep 24, 2013 12:46 am


Life time member
Life time member
92KK K100LT 193214 wrote:
Albyalbatross1 wrote:
rossko wrote:So now we get to Wazz'zs place. Funny, but I specifically asked for coffee, cake and a free bike wash.
We were served coffee and cake and .........

So this is Wazz'szs brick

Far Cairn Rally 2013 Dsc05210

Not sure what all the holes are for, but it must be comfortable.
Looks like you all had a Good weekend...Sorry I missed this one... Good to see the Ghost out in the light!  Thanks for the pics so far..

That is a mighty fine Roundel on that Brick Wazza!!!
That's an 8 valve brick award. . .
nice BRICK Waz, set off nicely by Albys roundel.
thanks again for the morning cuppa, the rest break was very much appreciated. 
Rossko and I arrived at Waz's around 10.30am , and I had been on the road since 5.30 .  well done mate.

1993 K1100RS  0194321         Colour #690 Silk Blue  aka " Smurfette"
2018 Kart upgrade.
Far Cairn Rally 2013 10_x_110

29Back to top Go down   Far Cairn Rally 2013 Empty Re: Far Cairn Rally 2013 Tue Sep 24, 2013 12:50 am


Life time member
Life time member
groverK wrote:
Polar-ice in the foreground, not sure who owned the red RT/ HRD in the background?

Far Cairn Rally 2013 04910

A well presented line up of outfits, we were all thinking of Sean and Bella during the weekend.A definite contender.
well done guys.
The Red RT/HRD belongs to a BMWTCNSW member named Hans.  Rossko has met him at my place once.  Had that outfit for 6 years or so.  He also has an R69S with a Steib that will be back on the road one day (car ran into it, bike caught fire)


'93 K1100LT
'08 F650GS (798cc)
'19 R1250RS

+ another boxer engined motorcycle and sidecar

"When I'm too old and too foolish to handle a sidecar I'll buy a Sportsbike"

Far Cairn Rally 2013 K-dogs10

30Back to top Go down   Far Cairn Rally 2013 Empty Re: Far Cairn Rally 2013 Tue Sep 24, 2013 1:00 am


Thanks everyone for posting the photos. Thanks also to Ed for the Tshirt. Though I was bitterly disappointed not to be able to go, I feel a bit of a part of proceedings anyway. Was also good to catch up with Charlie et al on their way through.Hopefully the full compliment of Guyra Hillbillies will be there for the next ride!


31Back to top Go down   Far Cairn Rally 2013 Empty Re: Far Cairn Rally 2013 Tue Sep 24, 2013 3:14 am


Some more of the kweenslanders headed south for the  great celarbrations of the “k” aniversary  and the “Far Cairn Rally “

 Far Cairn Rally 2013 2013-049

Well, in our little group of travellers , it was robin and myself ,,,heading to guyra …and our mate sean….who recently had a little off event , and miraculously extended the kind invitation to stay overnight regardless of his now, cut short, participation of the event .

what a bloke he is …


we left the really warm “brisvegas” area of 30 odd degrees c … and traversed all the usual landmarks on a verry sprited fashion on the way to the “New England Tablelands “ abeit  a few stops for roadworks  and a unplanned fuel stop ….which put us back about an hour or so from planned arrival into guyra ….jeez it was cool ….aparently the “new england area”….erm specifically .. guyra …hadn’t heard that there was a warm spell on …and we arrived to the welcome warmth of a fire in the lounge room …..with near frozen fingers and chest .
I was quite concerned for the “old fella “ (seani , his ride and “bella “ the pup ) …but after arriving  he was in good spirits and quite jovial ( but as we all know) these things are a real challenge to the good spirits of our soul .

 I do recall him saying …the worst issue is, finding out how to get out of bed without extreeme pain ….poor old bloke ..weve all experienced something the similar at some stage  …but we forget that we arent so young these days .. so armed with pain killers and the promise of a visit from his new found carer …in the coming days . we retired to a meal and a few nerve soaking drinks around the house .

 we left him a little reward

Far Cairn Rally 2013 2013-062

Next morning we met the locals who had  planned the trip route with sean.

Far Cairn Rally 2013 2013-048 

What a great surprise ..( not really )  a couple of “ace” blokes fronted …”SMITHY  “ with his gorgeous rs …and his mate “GAV” with a r1200 super tourer …wow whata beast and qute different from the normal fare that we see on these occasions .

The road out of guyra was a typical country road ….with little traffic …and a great short cut to get us back on the main connecting route westwards at inverell ….then onto bingara …..where we have held a meet before ….

This time to hook up with another newish member GAZ  and a bit of lunch .

 Far Cairn Rally 2013 2013-059

Afterwards heading west towards Narrabri ….(twb wrote a great account of this section of road , on his return trip from victoria some months ago now) …and he was right …an typically scenic country link road with a couple of valley transitions and the predictable hill climb in and out …sweeet …

The wind was against us ….and I mean full on…. once we traversed the last hill climb and headed towards Narrabri  …. Me following  GAV …with no fairing for gav ,  I saw him grabbing the handle bars near the headstock to help relieve the sitting position in the stong headwind …we were also way behind the main group after being strung up by a slow mooving truck over the hills ….the pace was fast …and we still werent gaining, to our way of thinking . 

After contact and a stop in town …I commented …nice 110 guys ….(oops .didn’t mean it that way …grin )

So off to Coonabarabran  across the “piliga” …( verry flat piece of unfriendly an featureless country ) 

Campsite acheived  off to get some supplies …and a nice BBQ after  and some warming around a fire , getting to know our new friends …nice.!!!

Bloody freezing… is what could be said for the camp overnight ….aparently it didn’t phase the “new englanders” at all….i can say little sleep was to be had ….with the main highway just a few meters off from the camp ,,,and trucks running all night long

We stopped for coffee in the main drag  before heading off south again .. robin went missing ...but caught us

Far Cairn Rally 2013 2013-051 

Past the “Warambungles “ a mountian range closeby which houses the “Anglo Australian Telescope “  at Siding Springs …built when I was just an apprentice …

 Far Cairn Rally 2013 2013-055

And onto places like Gilgandra … Warren …and finally Tottenam …

Folks these places are way out there ….there is verry little to see of interest on a trip like this …just huge distances …of killometer after killometer of straight roads with just a slight corner ---oops bend …every now and then …maybe 15 k apart ,,but some awesome signs of recent rains and greenery along the path ….a rare event I suspect for out here . and by no means anywhere near the scenery of our verry different coastal regions

Emus were spied (but I missed them )
On arrival  the numbers at the camp were dismal …but I knew the travelling distances would bring more attendees as the day wore on ..

 OUR fellow “K” crowd  members arriving near 4 ish …and the judging of the “k” was soon to happen  with results at 5 .00 pm.

 Lost was Ulrick …some where with yet another rear shock issue ….bugga

Surpise ….Crikey …that bloody GHOST …turned up yet again on his k75 ….wow

 Far Cairn Rally 2013 2013-052

I entered him for longest distance travelled …over 1300 k one way …but some blighter did a tour of new south wales and claimed it ….with over 3000 k …dang

Gee it was good to be together again.

Tom Grabau …rocked up on his beutifull and much cared for K75  \

Rick and and Margaret  arrived also …so good to see that they made the long trip .Rick with a huge trailer ….says rossco …..”wonder where they set up the plasma screen “ rick responds with “its in the top box “…….  (Gag  splutter)

Onto the judging
Al is presenter for this section of the awards ceremonies

And with a mighty crowd of attendees now in place on the hill behind the shed …gawfaws accompaning the “k” awards from the majority of the bmw gs mob
It appears to me that the old k bikes are an unwanted and unappreciated creation of the marque  and its appreciators of the boxer models specifically .

So be it ….shoot …all the better for us “freaks “  to be able to buy up all their unwanted past hardware at throw away prices huh ?

Interesting to note the really good responce of votes for the different categories  all the same .
Al carried out a great promotion of the event and our old girls …with some really good examples of all the different forms that our babys came in . even a category for highly modified …read that as RAT …grin
Sad to see that no one thought to bring along a k1300  and all the many variations that do exist around the place
But the classics held true

 As Al has listed …..But from our mob

 Gaz got best tourer
Smithy got best sports
Sadly k75s didn’t have a category of their own …there were great examples …ghosty and tom to name just 2
Al missed out by one or two votes for best sidey …verry sad
And smithy blitzed the pool  with best in show ….. wow …

( I had mentioned to smithy, that I couldn’t decide between his and Klompys rs .. they are soo similar and in such high detailed maintenance standards and finish

Im sure those two guys will be glad to meet in the future

In a quiet word afterwards of the judging 
Al  commented verry emotionally of the great suport that the “K100 forum “ Members  had shown …. for this event

It warmed the cockles of my heart and would love to share this with all of you across the our little neck of the forum world wide ….he went onto say that the k100 forum  is in a league of its own in as far as the sharing of knowledge , technical advice and comeradery that exists between our fabulous contributors and friends that we all share  and to add that there are very few places where this exist ,,,,,…stunning !!!

With efforts from Ed …for the tshirts ,,,and many other things
Smitthy for the hats
Al for the celebration banner ( which Ed purchased for the forum members … Thumbs up there )
And the promotion within his group in the BMWTCNSW

 all the locals who could make the event  and the watchers of this and all the other meet events here on the forum .

As for the tshirts and hats

Im sure these guys will get more orders as the word spreads of their unselfish contribution to an idea that we all hold to be special  

Im pretty sure that of all the guys that attended the rally ….we will meet again next feburary for the bmwtcnsw …”Karuah River Rally” ….not far off at all in travelling distance from the majority of us east coasters and a verry welcome meet again for us soon .

As you have seen  we have signed the back of the banner ,

And I had a good thought …to send it round the world for all the other groups to add their signatures etc in sharing the celebration …..but as ed pointed out , alas there doesn’t seem to be any real co-ordination of group meets going on in here …..except those magnificent irish etcentrics , so this is still open for debate
I recon …(with assurity) the irish mob will get it and send it back  for all of us to participate in our own way …

My plan was to send it on the bert ( crazy frog )  for some form of recognition of his invaluable work and contribution to making this place what it is, for us all to share world wide .

 Far Cairn Rally 2013 2013-061


Homeward bound we hooked up with Ulick and Ed in addition this time,  heading towards the same destinations …so the group grew a little ,

Unfortunatly Robin missed a planed stop at one of the small towns for a scheduled coffee fix …and raced on in front towards cootamundra … I didn’t get his sms til we achieved  guyra …via gunedah , tamworth and uralla, he smsed me that he awas in moree later …and would continue to brisbane ….as would I, early in the morning .

Far Cairn Rally 2013 2013-054 

Over the countyside of Ben Lomond … Cuninghams Gap  and back down the hill to the coast

Far Cairn Rally 2013 2013-056

Far Cairn Rally 2013 2013-057 

The chicken strips arent getting any closer ….but new wear marks tells me im still alive …giggle

 Far Cairn Rally 2013 2013-050

 Nothing new for this old fella except for sunburn ….swelling under the eyes and a good nights sleep at last ….girty is fabulous ….a slight weep of fluids from the fox twinclicker out the back  (which I better get sorted ) and a brake fluid resevoir seal leak  after the accelerator cable replacement.

Met some great people,  including our lady Caroline …..which is awesome

And will be soon to be  back in guyra to try and help seanii  get the rig on the road .

 Far Cairn Rally 2013 2013-060
 enjoy ....!

cheezy grin whilst riding, kinda bloke ....oh the joy !!!! ...... ( brick aviator )

'86 K100 RT..#0090401 ..."Gerty" ( Gertrude Von Clickandshift ) --------O%O
'86 k100 rs.. #######..  "Fred " (f(rame) red ) ( Fredrick leichtundschnell ) - -
bits and pieces from many kind friends across the k100 world ...with many thanks ..
1987 k100rs ########   "Red"  - (red sports rs TWB style )
1989 K100rt #009637   "Black Betty"  (naked rt ala Nigel , now sporting an rs main fairing )

32Back to top Go down   Far Cairn Rally 2013 Empty Re: Far Cairn Rally 2013 Tue Sep 24, 2013 5:22 am


Life time member
Life time member
Thank you all for a great weekend. I have no photos I didn't take a camera bit I did gain some excellent memories. We had rain, hail and stong winds but I enjoyed it all. I can not wait for the next get together. Who was that who snooooooores like a bulldozer?


33Back to top Go down   Far Cairn Rally 2013 Empty Re: Far Cairn Rally 2013 Tue Sep 24, 2013 7:14 am

Ghost who rides

Ghost who rides
Life time member
Life time member
Home at last , 2970kms tough the last couple of days ,

Gotta crash now , G

1986  K 75 C   2nd owner 187,000kms showing .
1987  K100RT  Police repainted, rough and unloved.

34Back to top Go down   Far Cairn Rally 2013 Empty Re: Far Cairn Rally 2013 Tue Sep 24, 2013 7:35 am


Life time member
Life time member
Good words Charlie.  Verry emotionally? well I'd opened the bottle by then.

The K forum is tops, I've only found one similar in quality; it's for Yamaha TDMs (and strangely Auntie BB is a member there too).  Must be something about orphan bikes. 


'93 K1100LT
'08 F650GS (798cc)
'19 R1250RS

+ another boxer engined motorcycle and sidecar

"When I'm too old and too foolish to handle a sidecar I'll buy a Sportsbike"

Far Cairn Rally 2013 K-dogs10

35Back to top Go down   Far Cairn Rally 2013 Empty Re: Far Cairn Rally 2013 Tue Sep 24, 2013 7:47 am


Life time member
Life time member
Great photos guys, thanks especially to Rossco and Charlie for your comprehensive write ups. Lovely RS smithy and hope you get better soon sean really sorry for your unlucky crash.

84 K100RS 0014803
93 FZR1000 EXUP

36Back to top Go down   Far Cairn Rally 2013 Empty Re: Far Cairn Rally 2013 Tue Sep 24, 2013 8:55 am


sleep well gordo  .... we all have fond memories of our mate that magically appears every now and then.... over in the eastern states ....Far Cairn Rally 2013 112350 
really al ?  I recon those words are well received and whilst a frank admission ...its what we all appreciate in this little part of the www ?

hasten to add that I noticed all the prizes of the k100 event   were bits from past working bikes

im guessing from al's private collection ?

........good onya bloke Far Cairn Rally 2013 212902

cheezy grin whilst riding, kinda bloke ....oh the joy !!!! ...... ( brick aviator )

'86 K100 RT..#0090401 ..."Gerty" ( Gertrude Von Clickandshift ) --------O%O
'86 k100 rs.. #######..  "Fred " (f(rame) red ) ( Fredrick leichtundschnell ) - -
bits and pieces from many kind friends across the k100 world ...with many thanks ..
1987 k100rs ########   "Red"  - (red sports rs TWB style )
1989 K100rt #009637   "Black Betty"  (naked rt ala Nigel , now sporting an rs main fairing )

37Back to top Go down   Far Cairn Rally 2013 Empty Re: Far Cairn Rally 2013 Tue Sep 24, 2013 4:06 pm


Life time member
Life time member
charlie99 wrote:sleep well gordo  .... we all have fond memories of our mate that magically appears every now and then.... over in the eastern states ....Far Cairn Rally 2013 112350 
really al ?  I recon those words are well received and whilst a frank admission ...its what we all appreciate in this little part of the www ?

hasten to add that I noticed all the prizes of the k100 event   were bits from past working bikes

im guessing from al's private collection ?

........good onya bloke Far Cairn Rally 2013 212902
I meant what I said, no probs there.  It just got me speaking a bit more than I normally would.  And I have to speak/present for a living (teacher).

The two rear drive bearing retainers were something I've been hanging onto as picture frames but never got to it, they went to a good cause.  The pistons came from one of Watos ever expanding K collection (the old grey RS with one mirror missing).

I learnt quite a while ago the best way to support your K is to have your own spares supply as much as possible as they are getting thin on the ground in the wreckers.  After my housefire a few years back it all went to a new home(RickG) to avoid the demolisher throwing it all away.  Building up again now.

Al (Having a sleepless night)

'93 K1100LT
'08 F650GS (798cc)
'19 R1250RS

+ another boxer engined motorcycle and sidecar

"When I'm too old and too foolish to handle a sidecar I'll buy a Sportsbike"

Far Cairn Rally 2013 K-dogs10

38Back to top Go down   Far Cairn Rally 2013 Empty Re: Far Cairn Rally 2013 Tue Sep 24, 2013 7:16 pm


Life time member
Life time member
Sunday , the trip to Seans

getting ready to head off from Totts, Rossko was thinking of flying home .
you know those things work better when rolled out.
Far Cairn Rally 2013 06710

Watto  , Waz  , Rossko , Gaz , possibly Marie  behind Al , all proudly showing there support for K's  and the forum.

Far Cairn Rally 2013 2013-010

good to see Uli made it to Tottenham, just in time for the MARI handover , the shirts were well supported by forum members , with additional donations received and passed on to Al and the guys from BMWTC NSW.
I found out on Sunday morning , it was Ray with the oldest K , who was bidding against us for the banner , sorry Ray, it belongs to the forum mate.
hopefully this auction provided further funds from forum involvement towards MARI .

the forum lineup on sunday morning. 
Kontingency of K's...........  Kooooool !

Far Cairn Rally 2013 06810

3 Ks heading north for Guyra and catch up with Sean and Bella.

Charlie, Smithy and Uli ( the yellow Peril in action )

Far Cairn Rally 2013 07210

Charlie and Smithy heading toward Coonabarabran, as Charlie mentioned , some long flat stretches this side of the ranges.
how good it is to live near the coast.
my old home town was Moree, spent 16 years there , a lot of nice people in the country, just flat roads.

Far Cairn Rally 2013 07610

Charlie and Uli heading for Coonabarabran and the Warrumbungles.

Far Cairn Rally 2013 08210

B doubles , the road trains of the central west NSW.
thousands of these run along here everyday.
this is what kept Charlie and the boys awake Friday night on their way to Tottenham.
As you can see , bugs galore out west.

Far Cairn Rally 2013 08610

the "Warrumungles" ranges near Coonabrabran.
in the foreground can be seen the magnificent Golden Wattle , comes out in bloom during September.
just appearing behind the middle wattle is "the Breadknife " , a feature of the ranges.

Far Cairn Rally 2013 08710

out on the Liverpool Plains outside Gunnedah, Smithy leading the way with Charlie close behind.
we lost Uli at Connabarbran, whilst refuelling.
Gavin was with us on and off but caught up at Gunnedah, where we stopped again for fuel , and to pickup up some Red for Sean and Kerry.

Far Cairn Rally 2013 09011

finally arriving at Seans, 
it was a chilly approach to Guyra , I didn't take my winter jacket on this run.
when needed ,my rain jacket kept the cold out.
however during our brief stop at Armidale to catch up with Gavin, I neglected to put the extra jacket on .
you could certainly feel the breeze as the sun disappeared, and getting close to Seans.

Charlie preparing himself for some good rest before heading home to Warwick .
Said he had work committments at 10.30.
safe travels old mate........
good night all!
btw Charlie , nice blanky,         Rossko has started a trend ....

Far Cairn Rally 2013 09110

A bottle of merlot was coupled up with a very welcoming meal from Kerry and Sean. thanks guys. 
this made for a very pleasant finish to the day.

Last edited by groverK on Sun Mar 16, 2014 2:39 am; edited 5 times in total

1993 K1100RS  0194321         Colour #690 Silk Blue  aka " Smurfette"
2018 Kart upgrade.
Far Cairn Rally 2013 10_x_110

39Back to top Go down   Far Cairn Rally 2013 Empty Re: Far Cairn Rally 2013 Tue Sep 24, 2013 8:50 pm


Life time member
Life time member
Waz wrote:Thank you all for a great weekend. I have no photos I didn't take a camera bit I did gain some excellent memories. We had rain, hail and stong winds but I enjoyed it all. I can not wait for the next get together. Who was that who snooooooores like a bulldozer?
like the new avatar mate, thanks for the great company over the weekend, a lot of fun.
Smithy would like to get a Far North coast ride together at some stage , Keep us informed Smithy.
it was like a symphony of snorers on saturday night , lights out early for a lot of riders , 
Robin was up til 1am, saw him at the fire around 5.30 sunday morning.
still yet to post mondays pics.

1993 K1100RS  0194321         Colour #690 Silk Blue  aka " Smurfette"
2018 Kart upgrade.
Far Cairn Rally 2013 10_x_110

40Back to top Go down   Far Cairn Rally 2013 Empty Re: Far Cairn Rally 2013 Tue Sep 24, 2013 9:23 pm


Life time member
Life time member
groverK wrote:
 saw him at the fire around 5.30 sunday morning.
still yet to post mondays pics.
It's a real easy campsite to get up and about early at.  We have a great view of the sunrise from our tent.


'93 K1100LT
'08 F650GS (798cc)
'19 R1250RS

+ another boxer engined motorcycle and sidecar

"When I'm too old and too foolish to handle a sidecar I'll buy a Sportsbike"

Far Cairn Rally 2013 K-dogs10

41Back to top Go down   Far Cairn Rally 2013 Empty Re: Far Cairn Rally 2013 Tue Sep 24, 2013 9:26 pm


Life time member
Life time member
If I remember , Al rose around 7.30

1993 K1100RS  0194321         Colour #690 Silk Blue  aka " Smurfette"
2018 Kart upgrade.
Far Cairn Rally 2013 10_x_110

42Back to top Go down   Far Cairn Rally 2013 Empty Re: Far Cairn Rally 2013 Tue Sep 24, 2013 9:32 pm


Life time member
Life time member
Had a sleepless night on Friday, Sat night was catch up.  I was in the shower by 7!

Actually Sat night was good, I left the fire around 10:30, went for a wander and found an old mate and fellow sidecar rider (Vince).  We sat in the kitchen having a natter over a cup of tea and some toast (this rally is too civilised) comparing our BMW mechanical woes over the years.  I went back to the fire around 12:30 to find 4 or 5 K100 forum members still there!


'93 K1100LT
'08 F650GS (798cc)
'19 R1250RS

+ another boxer engined motorcycle and sidecar

"When I'm too old and too foolish to handle a sidecar I'll buy a Sportsbike"

Far Cairn Rally 2013 K-dogs10

43Back to top Go down   Far Cairn Rally 2013 Empty Re: Far Cairn Rally 2013 Tue Sep 24, 2013 10:36 pm


groverK wrote:Robin was up til 1am, saw him at the fire around 5.30 sunday morning.
And I'm still feeling groggy today. That swag/coffin I had is horrible to sleep in, straight to gumtree Smile


44Back to top Go down   Far Cairn Rally 2013 Empty Far Cairn Rally 2013 Tue Sep 24, 2013 11:55 pm


Life time member
Life time member
Good to hear that all made the return trip home safely. Huge amount of Km's involved.

My rear shock failed on Sat afternoon, noticed it in the car park of the Dish outside of Parkes. The top mount failed completely. The spring was at right angles, with the shock shaft poking through the side. Luckily the whole assembly was jammed into the frame somehow, the only thing thing I noticed was the bike was "wallowing". Rang our friend Col at Orange (1 hour away) He just happened to have a spare in his shed. He drove down to meet me at Parkes, and we had the Yellow Peril going again in about 10 mins. Too late in the day to press on to Tottenham. Had to stay in a pub at Parkes to drink beer and watch the Knights beat the Storm, and not have to pitch the tent!

Pity I didn't have a camera to photograph the failed shock, before I pulled it all apart. It was quite interesting.

Made it to the venue at about 08:30 the Sunday morning. Met a lot of new faces, especially Auntie BB, who I had a bit of trouble keeping up with on the trip out of Carcoar on the Saturday morning. That trip was where the shock failed, and that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.

Joined up with a few of the lads going home, via Nevertire, Warren, Gilgandra, Coonabarrabran, Gunnedah, Tamworth and overnight at the Bendemeer pub. Got the last room, $40 including a lockup garage for the K!

Met up with Ed at the top of Thunderbolt's lookout. Traveled together back to Maitland, arriving home about 14:00.

Will try and get a British made RAM shock, on RickG's advice. Will steer away from the IKON brand.

Looking forward to the next K-ride.


Assumption is the root of all stuff-ups!

45Back to top Go down   Far Cairn Rally 2013 Empty Re: Far Cairn Rally 2013 Wed Sep 25, 2013 3:23 am


Life time member
Life time member
Left Seans just after Charlie on monday morning,
headed for Gloucester via Uralla, Walcha and down Thunderbolts Way.

found a billabong ( now commonly known as lagoons) to rest beside just east of Uralla.
note our mighty grey gum in the middle.

Far Cairn Rally 2013 10110

a quick look at the magnificent Barrington Tops National park, 
proved fruitful , and just as I was ready to leave, the Yellow peril pulls in to rest his weary soul.
this stretch of road ( Walcha to Gloucester is renowned for its twisty bits , plenty of caution signs to be seen along the way.

Far Cairn Rally 2013 11010

Bretti reserve, Thunderbolts Way  , 
our favourite camp site.Ideal during the spring and autumn months.
bounded by three rivers joining at the top end of the camp ground . great for canoeing or kayaking, bush walking etc , etc , etc,
 if you ever been camping , all the good stuff is here.
if you've ever been camping here , that is ... no hot showers , no flushing toilets , unless you bring your own , no site fees ,dogs allowed offlead.
the National park and state forest within 2mins drive.

Far Cairn Rally 2013 11310

back on the main road , and our first bend, we came across Leslies Bridge, 
the bridge sits at the bottom of a tight hairpin bend, with entry and exits being about 40 degree incline , 
this is where Sean and Bella were found by a friend of Steve1959 ,
one heavy buckle left by Sean in the Guard rail, no wonder he was feeling sore.

Rick and I then moved onto Roadies Cafe in Gloucester for a late brekky / lunch.

Far Cairn Rally 2013 11410

another K enjoying the stop over.  looks like a 1200, 0r is it a 1600?

Far Cairn Rally 2013 11610

the final stretch, 
a few more twisty bits , thanks to Rick, 
whilst making our way to Dungog and onto Rick's for a cuppa ,
 to talk sailing boats, and help him retrieve a motorcross bike from nearby Heddon Greta.

Far Cairn Rally 2013 11910

thanks Rick for some great company mate, enjoyed it immensely.

1993 K1100RS  0194321         Colour #690 Silk Blue  aka " Smurfette"
2018 Kart upgrade.
Far Cairn Rally 2013 10_x_110

46Back to top Go down   Far Cairn Rally 2013 Empty Re: Far Cairn Rally 2013 Wed Sep 25, 2013 3:41 am


Life time member
Life time member
Albyalbatross1 wrote:
rossko wrote:So now we get to Wazz'zs place. Funny, but I specifically asked for coffee, cake and a free bike wash.
We were served coffee and cake and .........

So this is Wazz'szs brick

Far Cairn Rally 2013 Dsc05210

Not sure what all the holes are for, but it must be comfortable.
Looks like you all had a Good weekend...Sorry I missed this one... Good to see the Ghost out in the light!  Thanks for the pics so far..

That is a mighty fine Roundel on that Brick Wazza!!!
BTW  , Alby's roundel now adorns smithys piston                        Far Cairn Rally 2013 161205   hey where did that come from................

show us your piston Smithy..... they wont believe me.

1993 K1100RS  0194321         Colour #690 Silk Blue  aka " Smurfette"
2018 Kart upgrade.
Far Cairn Rally 2013 10_x_110

47Back to top Go down   Far Cairn Rally 2013 Empty Re: Far Cairn Rally 2013 Wed Sep 25, 2013 4:11 am


active member
active member
Ulrich_Grabau wrote:Will try and get a British made RAM shock, on RickG's advice. Will steer away from the IKON brand.
Take a look at the Hagon shock too. I put Hagon fork springs and their rear shock on my TDM850.

Here's the shock on the UK website:

And here's the Aussie importer that I bought through:

cheers, Carolyn

once upon a time: 1987 K100RT/TIC
now: 2010 R1200GS

48Back to top Go down   Far Cairn Rally 2013 Empty Re: Far Cairn Rally 2013 Wed Sep 25, 2013 4:32 am


looks like a F series there ed ... 800 perhaps ?

some great pics thanks for sharing ...good to see uli caught up .....he pulled off at gunedah ..whilst we were having lunch also

onya blokes !

cheezy grin whilst riding, kinda bloke ....oh the joy !!!! ...... ( brick aviator )

'86 K100 RT..#0090401 ..."Gerty" ( Gertrude Von Clickandshift ) --------O%O
'86 k100 rs.. #######..  "Fred " (f(rame) red ) ( Fredrick leichtundschnell ) - -
bits and pieces from many kind friends across the k100 world ...with many thanks ..
1987 k100rs ########   "Red"  - (red sports rs TWB style )
1989 K100rt #009637   "Black Betty"  (naked rt ala Nigel , now sporting an rs main fairing )

49Back to top Go down   Far Cairn Rally 2013 Empty Re: Far Cairn Rally 2013 Wed Sep 25, 2013 5:31 am


Life time member
Life time member
you're right Charlie , better brush up on my K's Far Cairn Rally 2013 76715
guys , have a look through your piccies , a tall lean rider in there somewhere , not yet displayed here, is Mr Ausbrick who made the marathon run up from Melbourne .
quite a nice bloke , he was riding " the PIG"  k100  ( a rat bike ), in the judging line up.

1993 K1100RS  0194321         Colour #690 Silk Blue  aka " Smurfette"
2018 Kart upgrade.
Far Cairn Rally 2013 10_x_110

50Back to top Go down   Far Cairn Rally 2013 Empty Re: Far Cairn Rally 2013 Wed Sep 25, 2013 6:07 am

Rick G

Rick G
I have said it before and I will say it again. IKON shockies are NOT a rebranded KONI. They are junk.
The shock that Uli had fail is the 3rd IKON that has broken the top of the shaft that I have seen (there have been many more) and from one very quick look I could see it was a very poor piece of engineering. A 12mm shaft with a course metric thread and a 7-8mm hole down the middle. It snapped like a carrot right at the start of the thread, a very weak point indeed.
The local bike shop has stopped selling IKON because he has had about 1 in evry 2 come back for warranty claims.

"Man sacrifices his health in order to make money.
Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health.
And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived."   Dalai Lama

Bikes 1999 K1100 LT with a Big Block 1200

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