BMW K bikes (Bricks)

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1Back to top Go down   Back again Empty Back again Sat May 20, 2023 11:38 am

Ben Fast

Ben Fast
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Good day, all!

I have been a member of this awesome group for many years, but recently my membership disappeared, so here I am again!
I ride my dad's 1984 K100RT, which he bought in Berlin in 1984 for a summer's tour around Europe.
The two of us spent 4 months touring Europe in 1977, me on my brand new R100RS, he on a brand new R100/7.
We brought them home with us, but he went back in '84, so needed a new bike.

I have just spent time upgrading the K100RT with a few bits and pieces from a much newer K1100, primarily a new seat and 35 liter top case.
It took a bit of modification, but I have it fitted quite nicely, so will have a bit more packing room for trips this summer.

Have an awesome summer!

Ben Fast
North Vancouver, BC


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bad boy

bad boy
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Cheerz, David

Back again 9438-010

1997 Peraves Super Ecomobile: a Kevlar reinforced monocoque with outrigger wheels, seating two.
Mechanically a Brick and nothing but a Brick, although an amalgam of various models and years:
K75 fork; K100 monolever, headlight and indicators; K1100RS gearbox; K1200RS 589 instrument cluster, engine and rear wheel

3Back to top Go down   Back again Empty Re: Back again Sun May 21, 2023 12:35 pm


Life time member
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Hi Ben,

Back again 177912 back to this forum!



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