BMW K bikes (Bricks)

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1Back to top Go down   where does it go? Empty where does it go? Sat Jun 08, 2013 6:32 am


Silver member
Silver member
I,m in the process of converting my RT into the naked version . Where do I put the horn and can I keep the originals? scratch

1986 k100rt

2Back to top Go down   where does it go? Empty Re: where does it go? Sat Jun 08, 2013 7:43 am


yep can use the originals

cafe racer 62 bolted them to the lower tripple clamp (there are a couple of threaded holes already there )

looked ok

cheezy grin whilst riding, kinda bloke ....oh the joy !!!! ...... ( brick aviator )

'86 K100 RT..#0090401 ..."Gerty" ( Gertrude Von Clickandshift ) --------O%O
'86 k100 rs.. #######..  "Fred " (f(rame) red ) ( Fredrick leichtundschnell ) - -
bits and pieces from many kind friends across the k100 world ...with many thanks ..
1987 k100rs ########   "Red"  - (red sports rs TWB style )
1989 K100rt #009637   "Black Betty"  (naked rt ala Nigel , now sporting an rs main fairing )

3Back to top Go down   where does it go? Empty Re: where does it go? Sat Jun 08, 2013 7:52 am


Platinum member
Platinum member
Mine are on brackets under the headlight.
where does it go? 20120510

K100 Basic 2
11/1987 6308319K100CJ
Marakesh Red

4Back to top Go down   where does it go? Empty Re: where does it go? Sat Jun 08, 2013 12:08 pm


Life time member
Life time member
I'm doing the same JM.

I won't be using the original horns as, in my opinion, they look ugly. But then again, if you saw my bike, the horns are the least of my worries! Shocked

Got a couple of cheapies form fleabay and I'll fit them to the existing holes on the lower triple clamp, just like in the photo.

K100RS 1986 RED!

Dress for the ride and the potential slide.

5Back to top Go down   where does it go? Empty Re: where does it go? Sun Jun 09, 2013 10:50 pm


active member
active member
I've used the lower triple tree clamp as a temporary mount on my naked 100lt, haven't decided what to do as a permanent measure.

where does it go? K100-monolight

where does it go? 8157

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