BMW K bikes (Bricks)

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1Back to top Go down   Ignition switch replacement Empty Ignition switch replacement Tue Jul 03, 2018 5:34 pm


Life time member
Life time member
I recently received a second hand ignition switch from Motoworks  but the key would only move from off to park, 

as I could remove the key in both positions.

The key would not move to the ignition " on" position which locks the key in the barrel.

The key supplied was not the original.. 

Could the issue have been with the key ?

A second unit was received and all okay.


Yamaha 90
Honda CD 175
Honda CB 360 
Triumph T 140V Bonneville
Triumph T150 Trident
Honda CB750 F1
Cz 175
Yamaha XS 750
R 100/7
R 80
K100 LT
K100 LT current bike

2Back to top Go down   Ignition switch replacement Empty Re: Ignition switch replacement Tue Jul 03, 2018 7:45 pm


Life time member
Life time member
It's the wrong key for that lock.

Current stable:
86 Custom K100 (standard fairing, K75 Belly pan, Ceramic chromed engine covers, paralever)
K75 Frankenbrick (Paralever, K11 front end, hybrid ABS, K1100RS fairing, radial tires)
86 K75C Turbo w/ paralever
94 K1100RS
93 K1100LT
91 K1
93 K75S (K11 front end)
91 K75S (K1 front end)
14 Yamaha WR250R
98 Taxi Cab K1200RS
14 K1600GT

3Back to top Go down   Ignition switch replacement Empty ignition switch replacement Tue Jul 03, 2018 9:17 pm


Life time member
Life time member
Thanks Duck.

I presume someone had got the keys mixed up, but at least the second unit is all good.

Will send first one back, and let  them hunt around for the the right key.

Guy said they are looking into a manufacturer supplying new ones, as a lot are getting old and failing


Yamaha 90
Honda CD 175
Honda CB 360 
Triumph T 140V Bonneville
Triumph T150 Trident
Honda CB750 F1
Cz 175
Yamaha XS 750
R 100/7
R 80
K100 LT
K100 LT current bike

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