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1Back to top Go down   Blade LED and circuit breaker fuses. Empty Blade LED and circuit breaker fuses. Tue Apr 02, 2019 11:10 pm


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I'm in the process of cleaning and replacing all my fuses with LED indicator fuses. In the process of doing this and I spotted these blade circuit breaker fuses with either an auto reset or manual reset. They are too large to go under the OEM cover but the manual reset could be useful for diagnostics either at home or on the side of the road. Has anybody tried these??
Regards Martin.Blade LED and circuit breaker fuses. Blade-10

1992 K75s

Rick G

Rick G
Yeah I carry a 10A and 20A breaker for that exact purpose and Bert had a thread on it about 18 months - 2 years ago.

"Man sacrifices his health in order to make money.
Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health.
And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived."   Dalai Lama

Bikes 1999 K1100 LT with a Big Block 1200


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Life time member
I've probably forgotten or missed it. Blade LED and circuit breaker fuses. 610153  While I was getting the fuses I found that Jaycar is stocking reusable cable ties. The sales person didn't even know about them, bought two mixed packs one for the bike and one for home. They do come in handy.
Regards Martin

1992 K75s


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Life time member
Like Rick G, I’ve been carrying them for a few years now for roadside testing if I blow a fuse (like melting the low heat resistor harness for the heated grips if used on low for extended periods).


1990 K75 6427509; 1987 R80G/S PD 6292136; 2010 G650GS ZW13381; 95 K1100LT 0232224


Life time member
Life time member
Have you guys tested these?  If you put 12V to one side and ground to the other does it blow?

Current stable:
86 Custom K100 (standard fairing, K75 Belly pan, Ceramic chromed engine covers, paralever)
K75 Frankenbrick (Paralever, K11 front end, hybrid ABS, K1100RS fairing, radial tires)
86 K75C Turbo w/ paralever
94 K1100RS
93 K1100LT
91 K1
93 K75S (K11 front end)
91 K75S (K1 front end)
14 Yamaha WR250R
98 Taxi Cab K1200RS
14 K1600GT


Life time member
Life time member
1. Interesting test on youtube for this fuse

I will be ordering some for on the road troubleshooting.

2. I only heard about the Led fuses on this forum (thanks Duck) and they proved very useful when troubleshooting a shorting headstock loom issue at K1Fest last year. ABS light and Temp light on at the same time on my k1 !!. 

3. Gaz (or Duck) did you manage to repair the heated loom issue, I thought using a high wattage resistor might be an option ?

Blade LED and circuit breaker fuses. Ir-log10

 ;BMW; K1 Black 1993 60K Km     ;BMW;  K1100RS Black 1996       ;BMW; K1 Blue 1990 25K Miles

 ;BMW; K1200RS Red


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Life time member
Simon, in answer to (3) in my own case I went with the PWM solution giving me variable control and I'm sure I read up on it from Duck.

I did however assist a friend with setting up a set of BMW heated grips and we obtained a suitably rated resistor and connected it into the standard BMW circuitry in place of the orange resistive wire. We mounted the resistor behind the front fairing clear of any other wiring and where it got good airflow for cooling. In that case the switching and appearance remained exactly as per factory.

Blade LED and circuit breaker fuses. 2b7bea10

1990 K75 6427509; 1987 R80G/S PD 6292136; 2010 G650GS ZW13381; 95 K1100LT 0232224


Life time member
Life time member
I know of possible four solutions to avoiding the heated grip low setting issue:

1) Just cut the orange wire from the switch to disable it.

2) Swap in a load resistor for the factory resistive wire like Gaz did.

3) Use a simple generic flasher relay instead of the factory resistive wire. (This gives you full power half of the time instead of giving you half power all of the time but the net result is roughly the same and doesn't generate excess heat like a load resistor does.)

4) Use a PWM to get variable heated grips.

Current stable:
86 Custom K100 (standard fairing, K75 Belly pan, Ceramic chromed engine covers, paralever)
K75 Frankenbrick (Paralever, K11 front end, hybrid ABS, K1100RS fairing, radial tires)
86 K75C Turbo w/ paralever
94 K1100RS
93 K1100LT
91 K1
93 K75S (K11 front end)
91 K75S (K1 front end)
14 Yamaha WR250R
98 Taxi Cab K1200RS
14 K1600GT


Life time member
Life time member
Thanks Duck some excellent solutions.

I hope you liked the fuse video  Laughing

Blade LED and circuit breaker fuses. Ir-log10

 ;BMW; K1 Black 1993 60K Km     ;BMW;  K1100RS Black 1996       ;BMW; K1 Blue 1990 25K Miles

 ;BMW; K1200RS Red


Life time member
Life time member

Present: 1991 K100RS "Moby Brick Too"
1994 K75RT "Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS"
1988 K100RS SE "Special Ed"
1994 K75S "Cheetos"
1992 K100RS "Moby Brick" R.I.P.
1982 Honda FT500
1979 Honda XR185
1977 Honda XL125
1974 Honda XL125
1972 OSSA Pioneer 250
1968 Kawasaki 175

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