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1Back to top Go down   1994 K1100LT radiator fan Empty 1994 K1100LT radiator fan Tue Apr 30, 2019 3:18 pm

mike d

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Life time member
I have a new fan assembly to replace the dead one in my 1994 K1100.

Searching on here, looking in the BMW K1100 workshop manual, and the Clymer, all say to drain and remove the radiator.

Is this the only way or is the an alternative work around?



2Back to top Go down   1994 K1100LT radiator fan Empty Re: 1994 K1100LT radiator fan Tue Apr 30, 2019 3:28 pm

92KK 84WW Olaf

Life time member
Life time member
I don't believe there is.....did mine and had to do that.

While you have it off clean the temperature sensor too....its in behind the drain loosen the hose at the water pump, don't open the drain plug.....

1992 K100LT 0193214 Bertha Blue 101,000 miles
1984 K100RT 0022575 Brutus Baja Red 578 bought 36,000 now 89,150 miles
1997 K1100LT 0188024 Wotan Mystic Red 689 58,645 now 106,950 miles Deceased.
1983 K100RS 0011157 Fricka 606 Alaska Blue 29,495 miles Damn K Pox Its a Bat outta Hell Now 58,200 miles. 
1996 K1100LT 0233004 Lohengrin Mystic Red 38,000 miles currently 54,800 miles.
1983 K100RS 0004449 Odette R100 colours 58,000 miles. Sprint fairing now 64,500 miles

1968 Yamaha 80 YG1
1971 Yamaha 125 YAS-1
1968 Honda 125 SS
1970 Honda CD 175
1973 Honda CB500-4
Honda CX 500

3Back to top Go down   1994 K1100LT radiator fan Empty Re: 1994 K1100LT radiator fan Tue Apr 30, 2019 4:07 pm


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Life time member
Removing the radiator to replace the fan is an excellent time to clean the radiator inside and out with white distilled vinegar.

Lay the radiator in a shallow pan and pour two gallons of the vinegar over it and into it.  Let it soak overnight and rinse the fins from behind with a moderate stream of water.  Flush out the interior with a gallon of distilled water. 

This will go a long way toward improving the cooling of your engine.

Present: 1991 K100RS "Moby Brick Too"
1994 K75RT "Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS"
1988 K100RS SE "Special Ed"
1994 K75S "Cheetos"
1992 K100RS "Moby Brick" R.I.P.
1982 Honda FT500
1979 Honda XR185
1977 Honda XL125
1974 Honda XL125
1972 OSSA Pioneer 250
1968 Kawasaki 175

4Back to top Go down   1994 K1100LT radiator fan Empty Re: 1994 K1100LT radiator fan Tue Apr 30, 2019 6:08 pm

mike d

Life time member
Life time member
Thanks for the replies. I suppose I knew all along that radiator removal was the best way, for the reasons pointed out re cleaning etc.

It'll be the same for the new rear suspension and fuel pump units that arrived from Motobins today, remove clean all around and replace.



5Back to top Go down   1994 K1100LT radiator fan Empty Re: 1994 K1100LT radiator fan Tue Apr 30, 2019 6:38 pm

92KK 84WW Olaf

Life time member
Life time member
When refilling put the coolant volume required amount in first so you can top off with just di water.

1992 K100LT 0193214 Bertha Blue 101,000 miles
1984 K100RT 0022575 Brutus Baja Red 578 bought 36,000 now 89,150 miles
1997 K1100LT 0188024 Wotan Mystic Red 689 58,645 now 106,950 miles Deceased.
1983 K100RS 0011157 Fricka 606 Alaska Blue 29,495 miles Damn K Pox Its a Bat outta Hell Now 58,200 miles. 
1996 K1100LT 0233004 Lohengrin Mystic Red 38,000 miles currently 54,800 miles.
1983 K100RS 0004449 Odette R100 colours 58,000 miles. Sprint fairing now 64,500 miles

1968 Yamaha 80 YG1
1971 Yamaha 125 YAS-1
1968 Honda 125 SS
1970 Honda CD 175
1973 Honda CB500-4
Honda CX 500

6Back to top Go down   1994 K1100LT radiator fan Empty Re: 1994 K1100LT radiator fan Wed May 01, 2019 3:40 am


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Current stable:
86 Custom K100 (standard fairing, K75 Belly pan, Ceramic chromed engine covers, paralever)
K75 Frankenbrick (Paralever, K11 front end, hybrid ABS, K1100RS fairing, radial tires)
86 K75C Turbo w/ paralever
94 K1100RS
93 K1100LT
91 K1
93 K75S (K11 front end)
91 K75S (K1 front end)
14 Yamaha WR250R
98 Taxi Cab K1200RS
14 K1600GT

7Back to top Go down   1994 K1100LT radiator fan Empty Re: 1994 K1100LT radiator fan Wed May 01, 2019 8:53 am

mike d

Life time member
Life time member
The replacement fan assembly I got from Motorworks looks like the one in the top picture. It has a Spal fan on it.

One downside is that the metal mounting bracket is poorly finished as it has burrs on one of the mounting holes, plus some of the edges are sharp. I will de-burr before it goes on the bike.

I went to a Classic Bike show in the UK last Sunday expecting to see the guys from Motorworks as they normally have a stand there. They take orders on the day which are then shipped free of posting. Unfortunately no sign of them.



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