1 Clock Failure Sat Sep 11, 2021 2:20 pm
Life time member
Recently I went thru my 1988 K 100 RS and everything was real good.I took her on a 2000 mile or so camping trip and she ran and still runs great but on this ride the clock would just change times all on it's own.I'd reset it and it would be fine for a few hours then out of nowhere it would be very wrong .Is there a way to fix this or is this a symptom of a bigger problem waiting to happen? Or, is just a failed clock to be ignored ?
1988 K 100RS ,1975 Moto Guzzi 850-T , 1971 BMW R60/5 , 1971 Yamaha R5B,1969 Yamaha DS6C ,1966 Yamaha YM1 , 1965 Yamaha YDS3