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1Back to top Go down   One cylinders at idle  Empty One cylinders at idle Wed Aug 21, 2019 1:13 pm


Silver member
Silver member
Hi so on my 2000 900 ss I.e I noticed at red lights it seems to be running on one cylinder....and I here that bub bub bub normal chug on and off....when the bike is really rode for a hour it’s a bit better but still sounds like it....instead of a steady , bub bub bub bub’s like “ bub....bub....bub....,bub bub bub....bub bub.”.hard to put in words...ha ha first ducati and my tac is not working so I really don’t know what a normal idle sound is and at what rpm I am at ...
If I turn my “choke “ up it sound s fine and even....I gotta change plugs since I just bought it but I mean otherwise it runs it seems thanks!


2Back to top Go down   One cylinders at idle  Empty Re: One cylinders at idle Wed Aug 21, 2019 6:59 pm


Silver member
Silver member
It should sound like a Harley chub chub. Check the HT leads and plug caps, then balance the carbs and adjust the tick over, to about 1000 rpm.

BMW K100RT 0095857

3Back to top Go down   One cylinders at idle  Empty Re: One cylinders at idle Wed Aug 21, 2019 11:24 pm


Silver member
Silver member
I just realized I posted this on k100 forum instead of the Ducati forum..ha ha ..thanks for the response though !

85’k100 RT 73k

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