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1Back to top Go down   Oil pump Empty Oil pump Mon Jun 29, 2015 6:51 pm


Platinum member
Platinum member
I am trying to replace the oil pump seals and unfortunately I have earlier version impeller.
The threaded section of the primary shaft snapped when I tried to remove the impeller from the shaft.
I know there is a replacement shaft available, I've also read in this website that the shaft is available as a separate item and the toothed wheel can be pressed onto the replacement.
Are the dimensions of the replacement in particular the diameter of the shaft identical to the earlier version shaft?
If they are identical I would like to purchase a new shaft and find someone? Who can press the toothed wheel into place and used the earlier version of oil seal of which I have several.
Am I been realistic?
I've since decided to used the original shaft and was wondering how necessary is it to attach the screw to the front of the impeller. I fount it very difficult to remove the impeller from the shaft so what's the point of the screw? Or is that a stupid question!
Perhaps apply some araldite? Glue to the end of the shaft?



Last edited by gabriel on Wed Jul 01, 2015 10:26 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Additional info.)


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