BMW K bikes (Bricks)

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On the urging of a good friend of mine, against by initial better judgement, I acquired the the bike in a million pieces. The machine came home in a number of boxes and the box trailer of course. A giant 3d jigsaw puzzle, compounded by my ignorance. It has taken me about 3 weeks toying with it to get it started. 
My greatest problem was a frozen fuel pump initially, then a very dodgy main relay - which unfortunately only played up spasmodically.  Made a frightful mistake yesterday, did it while I had the multimeter in hand. Dreadful blunder.
I have played with Bosch motronic before, so I had a bit of a idea.... basic anyway - the movie is the thing going. The reason of my knowledge is in the back ground a 735i - I changed that from  motronic to Wolf3d and I am still none the wiser. So much for old age and wisdom Very Happy  



Life time member
Life time member
If the bike is chucking out enough EMI to make that noise on the video, I'd be looking at changing the ignition leads.

1983 K100 naked upgraded to K100LT spec after spending time as an RS and an RT
1987 K100RT
1978 Moto Guzzi 850-T3, 1979 Moto Guzzi 850-T3 California,1993 Moto Guzzi 1100ie California
2020 Royal Enfield Bullet 500


Life time member
Life time member
You've got some high tension arcing and your camera sound system is picking up the RF. The motor seems to idle smooth enough therefore all plugs probably sparking so the arcing could be from a lead cap to the SP connection.

Faulty lead cap therefore lead not pushed on properly
Missing terminal nuts on the SPs. These don't come with NKG SPs but are required for standard K leads to make proper contact.

If a lead was earthing instead the SP would not be firing and the motor would have difficulty idling.
Just my 2cents worths


1989 K100RT     VIN  0097367 (naked)  
1996 K1100RS   VIN  0451808
 Running K100rs with ignition noise on the tape Austra12    Fuel:  95 Octane
Engine Oil: Nulon Full Synthetic 15W50
Gear Box Oil:  Nulon Synthetic 75W90

92KK 84WW Olaf

Life time member
Life time member
If its got the early coils they can do it too, known for it, sometimes it will still run smoothly. Coil cover off and running in dark may show it.

Also, if its an 8 valve engine it would should have resistor leads, possible they were changed out. But check the other items from Dai and KH first.

1992 K100LT 0193214 Bertha Blue 101,000 miles
1984 K100RT 0022575 Brutus Baja Red 578 bought 36,000 now 89,150 miles
1997 K1100LT 0188024 Wotan Mystic Red 689 58,645 now 106,950 miles Deceased.
1983 K100RS 0011157 Fricka 606 Alaska Blue 29,495 miles Damn K Pox Its a Bat outta Hell Now 58,200 miles. 
1996 K1100LT 0233004 Lohengrin Mystic Red 38,000 miles currently 54,800 miles.
1983 K100RS 0004449 Odette R100 colours 58,000 miles. Sprint fairing now 64,500 miles

1968 Yamaha 80 YG1
1971 Yamaha 125 YAS-1
1968 Honda 125 SS
1970 Honda CD 175
1973 Honda CB500-4
Honda CX 500


alby  had the same sort of noise  I think he changed coils .....his were '84 types that  broke down  internally and were jumping over to the engine just behind the coil packs

cheezy grin whilst riding, kinda bloke ....oh the joy !!!! ...... ( brick aviator )

'86 K100 RT..#0090401 ..."Gerty" ( Gertrude Von Clickandshift ) --------O%O
'86 k100 rs.. #######..  "Fred " (f(rame) red ) ( Fredrick leichtundschnell ) - -
bits and pieces from many kind friends across the k100 world ...with many thanks ..
1987 k100rs ########   "Red"  - (red sports rs TWB style )
1989 K100rt #009637   "Black Betty"  (naked rt ala Nigel , now sporting an rs main fairing )

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