BMW K bikes (Bricks)

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1Back to top Go down   Speed sensor replacement. Empty Speed sensor replacement. Thu Sep 01, 2016 7:40 am


Silver member
Silver member
Ok, finally replaced the original instrument cluster with an Acewell. As I used the new speed sensor that came with the Acewell I was wondering if I could replace the original rear drive sensor with some kind of plug, bolt or cover. 

Any ideas?

"Keep the paint up, and the rubber down

1988 K100RT...#0096960 ..."Heisenberg"...Status: Work in progress

2Back to top Go down   Speed sensor replacement. Empty Re: Speed sensor replacement. Thu Sep 01, 2016 12:58 pm


Life time member
Life time member
I build a card that has the circuit to convert the signal from the rear sensor to one that is compatible with the Acewell.  Keep the OEM sensor and ditch the Acewell one. Problem solved.

Speed sensor replacement. VJJb7Qj-dnNQOxZv-9hJ7lbVszmdHN_CGGHWLGD85W5GdYOLd88NTwD7m5joMPuH2em2fUCAraLR0jM_1_jamgkYFND6XVl3QEBcsTTHB0YcJg1MCURu81eE0FE3Zl0c_Mlrt_vmlgnGL1akxuemVmfWC5PCnHheVYucEiDJU0EPCdI_qdxPjfbGsIjVqDxCwXOS_MM5-3pRGWof59AYKBzmpAPsZiCk-gOfM7HyZNjbQFTGTERKKCV9zQ52murznQgR45i2e3KYX_4Xoq2ljDsjYnRm98TDh3vcxf7q5HlnSeNo7Oze7iOXSAY6Uh5L0Fo3KWfp4E7hu2XEfRtNtCVCTO_0rT_wQT7GP0fE76ruFiRqT7WaYYyoHfjXfNHVZnyccZtgPqlMOF6-JByGT9w5xQ7eOO_DjH9ypvmSB-UKSm4d-Fh_f8dWx7nHzjvaXzhkYY1vMvgH86B2pT0IKrBgiqwDENF2xpd-vrDCm4kLP9hGs-eaZM97glUMRb633b28fDB3EjofAxPJ5pk3gBGPDA_3d4y5cqhOXYelfnQs9l_gWpYli0y1HFd3RXgHPxGyk_18BlRRXW3QS_8Ru6XeKpqmv4OcVFajRwvjGWR-zLt2=w785-h526-no

Picture above shows the part of the card with the speed amplifier; just this part can be constructed, don't need the whole thing.

1987 K75

3Back to top Go down   Speed sensor replacement. Empty Re: Speed sensor replacement. Thu Sep 01, 2016 1:06 pm


Life time member
Life time member
Large hardware stores often have a section with miscellaneous plastic car parts. I'd bet you could find a plastic plug with a similar diameter to the speedo sensor hole.

Current stable:
86 Custom K100 (standard fairing, K75 Belly pan, Ceramic chromed engine covers, paralever)
K75 Frankenbrick (Paralever, K11 front end, hybrid ABS, K1100RS fairing, radial tires)
86 K75C Turbo w/ paralever
94 K1100RS
93 K1100LT
91 K1
93 K75S (K11 front end)
91 K75S (K1 front end)
14 Yamaha WR250R
98 Taxi Cab K1200RS
14 K1600GT

4Back to top Go down   Speed sensor replacement. Empty Re: Speed sensor replacement. Thu Sep 01, 2016 2:24 pm

Crazy Frog

Crazy Frog
Why removing the original sensor?
Just unplug it.

Speed sensor replacement. Frog15Speed sensor replacement. Logo2101986 k75, 1985 K100rt, 1985 K100rt/EML GT2 sidecar, 1999 K1200lt/Hannigan Astro Sport sidecar.

5Back to top Go down   Speed sensor replacement. Empty Re: Speed sensor replacement. Thu Sep 01, 2016 6:11 pm


Silver member
Silver member
I like that idea Rob. Is this part of your relay that overcomes the neutral switch issue? Because I haven't done anything about that yet, still pulling the clutch to start my bike.

"Keep the paint up, and the rubber down

1988 K100RT...#0096960 ..."Heisenberg"...Status: Work in progress

6Back to top Go down   Speed sensor replacement. Empty Re: Speed sensor replacement. Thu Sep 01, 2016 6:15 pm


Life time member
Life time member
Oliveri wrote:I like that idea Rob. Is this part of your relay that overcomes the neutral switch issue? Because I haven't done anything about that yet, still pulling the clutch to start my bike.
Yes, it is. I can build just the amplifier part for $21.00. Then the start enable/neutral detect/gear display is the remainder of the card. A totally functional board with all features goes for $75.00 (poor CAD/USD exchange is driving up my costs).

1987 K75

7Back to top Go down   Speed sensor replacement. Empty Re: Speed sensor replacement. Thu Sep 01, 2016 9:00 pm

Two Wheels Better

Two Wheels Better
My board just arrived, courtesy of RobMack. It's compact at about 50mm x 50mm square (about 2") and barely 12 or 13mm tall.

"Politics is the entertainment division of the military industrial complex."
- Frank Zappa
1977 R75/7-100, '93 K11/K12 Big Block, '93 K1100RS, '95 R100 Mystic, '96 K1100RS, 2 x '98 K1200RS, '06 K1200R & '09 K1300GT

8Back to top Go down   Speed sensor replacement. Empty Re: Speed sensor replacement. Fri Sep 02, 2016 10:56 am


Silver member
Silver member
That sounds good to me everything on the one board...Rob can you give me your details? Once I've paid for all the usual September bills. I'll throw $75 CAD your way.

Getting it all sorted in one go would be excellent and much appreciated.
Speed sensor replacement. 212902

"Keep the paint up, and the rubber down

1988 K100RT...#0096960 ..."Heisenberg"...Status: Work in progress

9Back to top Go down   Speed sensor replacement. Empty Also interested Fri Sep 02, 2016 12:29 pm


active member
active member
Hey i am also interested in your board, can you post some pics of one.


10Back to top Go down   Speed sensor replacement. Empty Re: Speed sensor replacement. Fri Sep 02, 2016 3:43 pm

Two Wheels Better

Two Wheels Better
mjbtdi wrote:Hey i am also interested in your board, can you post some pics of one.

Look up at post number 2.

"Politics is the entertainment division of the military industrial complex."
- Frank Zappa
1977 R75/7-100, '93 K11/K12 Big Block, '93 K1100RS, '95 R100 Mystic, '96 K1100RS, 2 x '98 K1200RS, '06 K1200R & '09 K1300GT

11Back to top Go down   Speed sensor replacement. Empty pics Sat Sep 03, 2016 11:09 pm


active member
active member
yeah i saw that, would be good to get a pic of overal board, i want to get an idea of shape and ways to mount, also to see how to connect inputs and outputs.


12Back to top Go down   Speed sensor replacement. Empty Re: Speed sensor replacement. Sun Sep 04, 2016 4:29 am


Life time member
Life time member

The user guide for the board is available on my Google Drive. Link is below:

The card is about 50mm x 50mm in size. I can provision the display with any length cable to facilitate the card being located separate from the display.

Send me a PM if you'e interested.

1987 K75

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